Thursday, August 18, 2011

How do you think a person should react in this situation?

So me and my husband are supposed to be temporarily separated. He currently lives with his mom and I live in our home with our two kids. Thing is, he is always at our house with us but then at night he goes back to his mom's house. Now don't get me wrong, I wanted to be separated for a while but it's starting to wear on me that he gets to come home all day then go somewhere else at night. Sort of like a have your cake and eat it too thing. On the plus side we used to never kiss but we smooch now when he is leaving. We used to never say I love you but we do now. but when he is gone to his mom's house he seldom calls me at night and he shows no interest in coming back home. It's been a month since we have been separated and I told him I missed him and he said he missed me also but he didn't say he wanted to come home. He is normally emotionless but I don't know whats going to happen from here. What do you think?

Restaraunts that serve alligator in Orlando?

If anyone knows of any good resterants in Orlando, Florida, could you please let me know what they are and where they are? The more detailed the instructions, then thats where the best answer will go. Thanks.

93 prelude h23 differences with h22?

i have an h23 and basically many performance parts i really like are for the h22. like a turbo kit, headers, intake, ect. will the parts of the h22 fit my h23? what parts will fit? what parts wont fit? please give me some good answers

Please answer the questions?

i think you are just using this website to do some important work that you just can't be arsed to do yourself, if you want to learn something do it yourself!

Is this a proper sentence?

a semicolon does not belong there. Semicolon is used to separate two complete sentences (independent clauses). Use a period then complete the last sentence.

People In Melbourne Please Help?

We are moving to melbourne & i was wondering if there is any thing like BRIT down there ? I want To be a vetinarian (sadly I dropped out of school this year, i am 15) This would be very helpful & thankyou

Chemistry question?

Samples of natural selenium contain 6 stable isotopes. In terms of atomic structure, explain what these isotopes have in common, how different?

Has anyone received a paper rebate check my moms friend is a mail lady?

and she said she has seen a few envelopes from the IRS in the mail...i am wondering if the people who were suppose to get direct deposits but couldnt be cause of the HR block and turbo tax thing are getting their paper would think if they went to deposit it and it got rejected they would just print the check and mail it instead of having to go back to that person later...hmmmm so i guess the question is has anyone recived a PAPER check?!!?

When does life get good?

You seem really pessimistic. It also seems like your to good for life and the people around you. Also life is probably so horrible to you because you do what everyone tells you is best; live your life a do what you want to do. When it comes to marriage it seems like your trapped in the what ifs. If your always worrying, questioning the future, and pessimistic of couse you won't enjoy your life. It might be an internal struggle that makes you think this way. Maybe you don't feel good enough or something along those lines. I'd say it's best for you to build a stronger relationship with god; as a result you will build a stronger relationship with yourself.

Are you threatened by little alligators on your shirt?

You just have to be careful of the little guy went you take your shirt on and off. It's what you call a "Fashion Risk".

Is it genuinely possible to tame violent dogs, Crocodile Dundee style?

Was recently watching the film Crocodile Dundee and there was this scene where 2 violent looking dogs went to attack him but he did this thing with his hand and stare which effectively made them docile and non agressive. Just want to know whether the technique actually works or if its just typical Hollywood make believe. I guess you'll have had to have seen the film to know what im going on about, sorry about that.

W-9 Tax Form: Do I need to provide if I am a corporation?

I work as a contractor to a client and receive my compensation, payable to my corporation, not myself. Do I need to provide my client with a W-9 form stating that I am a corporation and exempt from backup withholding? Or, is that for individuals only? And, if I do provide a W-9, does the corporation TIN need to be disclosed, since it will not be used for reporting a 1099 form.

Girls am i being to harsh? This is what i finally decided. Thanks to all ur help. Let me know what u think!?

Since last bet I had to dress up and wait on him hand and foot and give him mages all day it’s now time for revenge. He buying me a pair of pj, fuzzy socks and fuzzy slippers. He is also going to buy a pair for himself to wear while he is pampering me. Friday night after work he is going to change and change me into my pjs socks and slippers and put a movie in. I put my feet on his lap, he takes my slippers off and rubs my for for an hour maybe longer, since I wear heels all week. Saturday He will wake me up with kisses and bring me flowers. Breakfast in bed While he will get a nice hot shower ready. Take polish of my nails and toes. Wash my hair and me. Dry me off with warm towels and put a nice warm robe on and slippers on my feet. Carry me to the bed give me full manicure and pedicure. Mage each hand for 10 minutes, paint my nails. While polish dries he will mage my back 30 minutes. Take slippers off rub feet 30-40 min, cotton between toes, then paint them.

Who was the winner in the iraqi -irani war 1980-1988 ? ?

mabey it's too late to ask .. but my friend and i enter in an arugement about it ...? i told her . Iraq and she told me Iran

Why do they call a building a building when its already been built?

the english language is something bizarre..knight,night, and to, two and too...and the word three should be tri..hence a trio singing group.i think they tried to make the english language as easy as they could but by doing so they made it more wonder non-english speaking people have a hard time with it.

What do you think of Mexican President Calderon criticizing American immigration law?

Like any politician, mostly what he cares about is money. The top three sources of revenue into the Mexican economy, are based in the USA. Money sent home by illegal aliens to their family, tourism, and money spent on illegal drugs. His political situation and economy benefit by the US government refusing to control the southern border.

Does any one know a good werewolf novel?

My favorite werewolf book I've ever read is Nighshade by Andrea Cremer. I also really enjoyed Blood and Chocolate, Raised by Wolves, and Mooncalled.

Why are people so quick to cut down the people they raise up?

That's what money and power does to people. People who scrutinize those who they help develop want to be remembered and rightfully so I guess if they contributed to someone's success so they can get in on the benefits.

I need some advice for my next visit to the ortho...?

I've been with my orthodontist for almost three years now, and it's come to the point where for the past year I've left every appointment pissed off. I have the "sapphire-crystal" braces, the clear ones. My teeth used to be extremely crooked, and now they are on the brink of straight beauty. However, I've noticed little things that are preventing them from becoming perfectly straight. When the ortho put on my braces, my top left lateral incisor was super crooked, so the brace on that tooth had to be put on crooked, and it's still on a little crooked. The brace on my top right cuspid is slightly higher than the one on the left. My orthodontist said that wearing rubber bands 24/7 (literally) from the top to bottom cuspid on both sides would just fix everything. I did just that, nothing improved except for my bite. I've asked him to just change these little things and he just shook his head and said "It's all about the rubber bands." Is this true? He looks at my teeth for literally 5 seconds and makes his decisions. Should I trust what he says and just wait it out? Or should I get my father involved...

How many Saints fans do you think are now Packer fans?

There are just about as many Saints "fans" that like the Packers now just like the Patriots "fans" that turned to liking the Jets when they beat them.

Can you change you really change your accent, or at least lessen it?

I have family in Colombia and I visit them between 1 to 3 months every other year, but I still have a heavy American accent. Is there a way to eliminate it or at least reduce it? Will regular cles with a native speaker work? Will practicing with a tape recorder over and over certain words work?

Meteos Astro Blocks - Help!?

I have been stuck on the puzzle stage level 3-1 for months now. What am I missing? Can anyone please tell me how to do it!

I need a academic scholarship where can I get it ?

Im 23, I live in Miami,Fl but Im willing to relocate if opportunity come knocking, my anticipation for graduation is this may, I currently hold a 3.5 G.P.A. yeah I know I need to work on getting it up. Im into sports and don't play any instrument. Im getting my A.S. in business managment and I want to start-up a business a few months from now. I want to pursue a B.S. in business management but I am also interested in the Financial,Business Marketing,Public Relation . (Financial Planner, Financial Adivsory, Business Marketing,etc.) I know I might not fit the average scholarship canindate but I am very active in school activities,(Clubs, Volunteer Work, etc.) Is there any schools in Florida that might have a scholarship for me? (One more thing, state accredited institution)

Why Hasn't My New Kitten Pooped?

if she has been eating a different brand of food and then u switched her to a new one Right away this could upset her stomach and constipate her. if this is not the case take her to a vet fast!

What are the laws on threatening someone?

long story short, my brother is in jail because his wife bribed her 15 year old neice into accusing him of molesting her. now my bros wife is dating another guy and sent him a letter threatening him, telling him that he had better "tread lightly cuz im on my last nerve. you better not piss me off again." and so on. the whole letter was really menacing and mean spirited as well as she slanders him and trys to desimate his character and intimidate him. what can i do?

How do you sleep? what kind of sleeper are you (sleeping position)?

Yearner or Foetus. What's Foetus btw? I can never fall asleep in soldier position, makes me feel like I'm going to die (I don't want to lie face up in my coffin either). Freefall makes my hurt after awhile and Log puts makes my arm numb. LOL

Can someone write me a thesis please?

I'm sorry, but the point of the ever-so-pointless public school English cl is to teach you things you will forget in a couple years, and cheating by means of the internet will not provide you with information to forget. >:(

What music should I listen to?

I'm looking for some music recommendations. My favorite bands right now are Bonnie "Prince" Billy, Animal Collective, Beirut, Jeffrey Lewis, The Ark, Rufus Wainwright and the Hidden Cameras. Any ideas?

How can i copy the Jokers (heath ledger) hairstyle?

well im a girl but when i want my hair to have a wet look after i get outta the shower and its not dry yet i use la looks gel and just scrunch my hiar that means put the gel in and just squeeze it in your palms ahahah hope i helpeddd

Does anyone have the problem of fainting when seeing or hearing about gore? What can I do to prevent this?

I have recently ped out during the films; Saw, Cloverfield, Untraceable. When friends/family speak of injury or bodily harm, I become overly sensitive and then faint.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Any love for newcomers?

I know I'm old now, I have not heard any of those songs and only a few of the artist are familiar to me......

Why do airplane interior lights turned off/on for takeoff/landing?

I think the reason is simpler, It costs money/fuel to power the lights, if you crash, the lights become ignitors. Also it has a bit of a calming affect on people.

He told me he wants to be recruited ?

He wants to be recruited into Iraq , i dont think it's the right thing to do , but i dont wnat to get in the way of his dreams . he told me if he went to serve for his country that if he died when he was over there that i will remember that he never left , and that his spirit lay with me in my heart forever . touching yes , reasurring yes . but i dont want him to leave , i am in a tough time right now , i dont know what to tell him , i already told him that it was a bad idea and that this country is ok for the time being and he doesnt need to risk his life , but then again , it is his dream , any advice ?

Overpayment of housing benefit and council tax benefit?

Can anyone help please? I am a student who has declared all my income, which consists of student loans and i am also a carer for my disabled child who is 20 years old. At the start of my academic year i recieved a letter from the council saying that i do not have to pay rent or council tax. In may i then received a letter saying that i had been overpaid by �400 housing benefit and �126 in council tax. These letters are not very straightforward, so i appealed saying that i do not think that i should have to pay this as it was a fault of the council, they replyed saying that it is a recoverable amount and that i should of checked my letters to see if everything was right. The mistake that they made was that they did not include my carers allowance in their calculations. However i did declare all my income. My argument is that i do not know how to calculate how benefits are paid as this is not my job and there is also nothing in the letters which tell you how to actually work out what i am entitled too. I was sent three different letters at the time i put in for these benefits and not one of them contained the carers allowance entitlement. I umed that as i had declared it and it was not in the letter that it was not means tested. Can anyone help with regards to the law concerning this please, and if it is possible that i could actually put anything to the tribunal in order to try and win my case? I appreciate any help that you could give. Thank you

Which hat should i get?

Well it depends, do you like a specific team of the two better than the other one? If not, then I would go with the Marlins one, it looks better.

Which school is Canada's best film school?

I am heading to Canada soon for film study. And I am looking for some information. Is Vancouver film school a good one? But it costs a LOT ! like 34,000 CAD/year! Doest it worth? Besides, what schools would you recommand ? thank you guys

Blanket brands that you prefer?

I definitely prefer the Weatherbeetas. They hold up through EVERYTHING. I would defiantly recommend that for the heavyweight, and I have never used any of the other kinds so I cant help you that much there. Also, Rambo blankets are phenomenal. Either of the two I would defiantly recommend.

Do you believe in miracles and super-natural happenings? If so, why?

I don't believe in miracles or super-natural happenings. I believe that if there is a God then He created the laws of physics and that these laws are never violated. I know of no evidence so suggest that the laws of physics are ever violated. Therefore "miracles" can't happen. I believe that everything can be explained but that we don't always know what that explanation is. And some "miracles" are just things that are possible but unlikely. Some "miracles" are coincidences. If a single baby survives a plane crash then religious folk will cry "miracle" and claim that it is an act of God. But what about all of the people who died? Is this also an act of God? I suppose, conveniently, that this is the work of Satan whoever he is. Why do people believe in miracles? Virgin births? Raising from the dead? Water into wine? Ascending into heaven? According to God's laws of physics these things cannot happen. What do you think?

Acne help!! glycolic acid pads? clindamycin phosphate lotion?

I used to the clindamycin lotion (is an antibiotic) and it cleared up my acne! It didn't make my face dry though. I wonder if it was the glycol pads really making your face dry. I would try the clyndamycin lotion again. It only takes a little bit, like barely any on each area. A few days later the acne areas should clear up. After I got my acne under control I didn't really have a problem. Now I use the lotion maybe every 3 months or so. The lotion is also great to use on any kind of skin sore (bug bite, scrap) since it is an antibiotic. Good luck!

How do you hit homeruns in "The Bigs" PS2?

Hi, can anyone help me with this game. The Bigs from 2ksports for the PS2. How do you hit homeruns (not using power blast). I've been using Boston's Ortiz and Ramirez and although they have 5 star power they seem to be nothing more than glorified Doubles hitters.. please help me. Thanks.

Im going to bangkok can any one help?

The Grand Palace is a must see, plus nearby is the Wat Phra Kaew (Temple), another must see. In the evening/night check out Khao San Road or if want a little more on the wild side check out Nana Plaza, Soi Cowboy or Patpong. As for hotels there are so many to pick and choose from; for me the Sawasdee group of hotels do fine, they are nice, clean, air conditioned, good value for your money and near the main attractions. You can get a lot of this info off this web site: a href="" rel="nofollow" Enjoy your trip.

Does anyone no wat the mpg for a 1970 ford maverick with a v-8 grabber engine on it!?

Mine got 12 city 17 highway. Ok, so it wasn't an original grabber. I gave it a hot 302 with a T-5 manual .

How Do You Upload Pictures On To Your Computer Using A Nixon Coolpix Camera?

I Just Recently Got A Camera For My 15th Birthday,, N I Took Sum Picturess To Upload To Myspace, Facebook, etc. I Took The Pictures, Installed Nixon Transfer, Used My USB Cord To Plug It Into My Computer, Went To Computer:Devices/Removable Storage.....And It Dosent Show Up. I Dnt Understandd Wat I Did Wrong Plz Help!!!

Would someone help me with U.S. immigration crime rate statistics?

I'm doing a debate in speech cl. I am against the deportation of illegal immigrates. One of my opponent's main points is that illegal aliens commit 60-65% of all crimes in the U.S. I find this impossible considering that illegal immigrates are a minority. Anyway, thanks for the statistic. Have a great day.

Why the people of USA called themself "Americans"?

In America are other countryes too!!! Like Mexico, Peru; Argentina, Brasil, Colombia, Canada, Bolivia..... What about us??

What do you think of this whole "Christian Zionism" thing, and Evangelical Christians supporting Israel?

These are the most revolting examples of Christians. How can someone who follows Jesus support genocide in 2008?!

Who thinks judge judy and mathis ROCK?

My guy friends always tell me that when i get old i will be like judge judy, hopefuly not her looks, although i'm as

What is that part of flordia where like they conserve wild life but it has an unique name?

i need the name of this wildlife conservation place like its like the okebenokee place in georgia its like marshy and stuff like that but its in i think south flordia

What was wrong with my guy? Should i still talk to him?

So ive hung out wit him like 4x now in 5 months idk he kinda stays far but not really. We talk welll tex evry single day allday mostly. Well last night i went to his house and we messed around and had and then we both fell asleep well i woke up cuz i was cold and so i woke him up and he got up n started freaking out saying he had a headache and his fingers were numb he was slapping his hand n hitting it on the bed and was shaking his hand all crazy then walking around his house back and fourth shaking it and i was asking r u ok r u ok? And he was ignoring me. So i got dressed and im like um ur scaring me. He had like a wet rag on his fingers and was like hitting his hand And i was standing by his front door watching him like ummmm wtf do i do . So i grabbed my purse n put my shoes on and hes like u ready to go n i said yea so he opened his front door and said bye n i was like um yea byee and hes like call me wen u make it home. Well i never callled .Shud i still talk to him or no ? Wtf was wrong wit that kids hand ? I feel so aqward n embarred! Do you think hes embard ? Lol

How do you make this hair accessory?

the reson the feather wont work on one strand of hair is becusase its either that you want perminat or just take more hair and twist not to much hair enough hair the chain can go through and make a small or tiny braid and then take small rubber band and tie for a firm hold good luck! by the way soory for miss spellings in a hurry on my to do list good luck again! and also this is not perminant

Any Dr. please help periods irregular?

Honestly, your period doesn't sound that heavy to me. I was changing my pad every 2 hours with clots the size of my palm and had to get surgery. has absolutely nothing to do with the heaviness/lightness of your period. Do you mean you're having once or twice a month? That is an insignificant amount of and again, won't affect your period. You should always take some iron with vitamin c to boost your iron levels. Don't take iron with calcium (dairy products ) or caffeine or your body won't absorb the iron. Eat a healthy diet, take your vitamins. BUT see a doctor if you're worried. It sounds like your period is normal and I know many women that would love to have a period like yours.

SURVEY: Which clothing style are you attracted to?

Thugish style (like Eminems style) or countryish style (like camo or wife beater shirt and some jeans with a hat)

Why do you care about how your taxpayer dollars are used by government?

Once you pay taxes, its done. How the money is used by government and what it does with it, is really not your business. For example if you go to a grocery store and pay your grocery bill, do yo really care how the store uses your money? Likewise why do you care about government spending? Once the money is paid, its irrelevant how your money is used by the merchant. I think its just stupid to keep looking at how taxes are used

If a genie granted U 2 wishes, what would they be??

With the first wish "I will ask him to tell me what is the best thing to be wished for " and will make it my second wish.

Did you know that Hezbollah, the same people who are firing rockets into Israel, murdered 241 US service men?

it will be at least another 4 yrs before we do anything meaningful against terrorism; barry plans to hold hands with the s and sing 'kumbayah'...i hope he takes care to wash his hands afterwards, because there will be American blood rubbed onto his

I REALLY want this girl's hair!?

you could straighten your hair and just curl the straighteners round at the ends to make the loose curl look

Should I begin snowboarding?

I find snowboarding so much more fun than skiing. But since the trip is short, i would ski so you can take advantage of the trip and keep up with your buddies. I would wait until next season to learn how to snowboard and take lessons. If you really want to snowboard then you could try it but be prepared because its gonna hurt and it takes a long time to get the hang of, whether you have skiied or skated.

How to stop my brother from using farts when he gets mad?

My older brother knows that he will get in trouble for farting on me. But when I do something to make him mad he will either fart a lot in his closet and lock me in it (happened befor) or fart in my face at night and think it is funny. If i ask him to stop then he will just say I should of stopped doing whaever i was doing. (i dont do bad or phycical things its just that we get in alot of fights and dont get along) I can't ask him to stop and i can't tell anyone because I did something to. Farting is his revenge and he thinks it is funny. What can I do to make it stop?

Set-off quotations in MLA ?

If it will be 3 or more *with* the double indent then yes. But if you're saying that if you double indent, it only takes up 2 1/2, then no.

uming no external shocks, can a fluorescent bulb crack/break, liberating mercury, prior to end of usage?

I have seen small cracks towards the cap end of a tube with no impacts for the cause, more than likley just a defect in the gl tube as it does not happen often or it might have been smacked prior to installation. I have not once seen one just shatter while in the fixture. Also the amount of murcury in a tube is very minimal and does not pose as a health hazard. Most cities let you just throw those away in the regular dumpsters due to that fact.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

What else is some "good" Tommy Bolin, besides his work with Purple ?

I have both of the solo lp's, "Teaser" and "Private Eyes". I like both of them very much. Pretty much like each song on both as well. They are more of a laid back style but to me have a good groove goin on. His 2 with The James Gang were decent. No great shakes but still pretty good i/m/o. The "Spectrum" album he is on of Billy Cobhams is really good, if you're into jazz fusion. I do not know how the album he did with Moxy sounded though. Hope this helps.

Is there a way to listen to Sirius satellite radio online?

I just want to listen to Sirius for a couple of hours but it's not worth it for me to install all the equipment for just 2 hours at most, is there a one-day p online or something like that? (I'll pay for a one-day access, I just want to listen to the interview of my favorite band, I have no further interest in Sirious).

Significant figures...please help!?

should be 5 sig figs because 24.035 has 5 sig figs. 100 should not be considered as 3 sig figs only. so 5 sig figs unless your teacher has previously mentioned that all non exact figures are to be in 3 sig figs.

What should i do if a new coworker reveals he resigned his last job under allegations of ual harment?

i'm his supervisor and work at a middle school and he has been on the job 2 weeks...what responsibility do i have?

Wrestling vs jujitsu and kickboxing.?

a friend is a wrestler and we spar a lot and its hard to beat him sometimes so any tips to keep him from man handling me on the ground? hes stronger but he falls into submissions so i need something that will help me contend with his strength.

Compared to an African Crocodile and a tiger shark which one is more powerful under the water?

How can you compare, one lives in the sea( salt water) the other in a river( fresh water), if you are asking which one has the stronger bite then it's the Nile crocodile, they recently had a program on National Geography about animals and there bite strengths.!!!

Anybody think the Clippers or the Warriors can make the playoffs?

Man, I hope so. I'm a Warriors fan & I am tired of having nobody to root for during May/June. The West is a little more vunerable with Utah having lost Carlos Boozer & Phoenix having lost Amare Stoudemire & Denver has a disgruntled Carmelo Anthony with the changes the Warriors have made if they can get to 43-46 wins that might be enough this upcoming year to get an 8th spot.

Seniors, what did your favorite breakfast consist of when you were a child?

Since our time, it seems so many kids will grab donuts, pop tarts, or skip breakfast all together, whatever is fast and convenient. My favorite breakfast was cream of wheat. What was your favorite breakfast, seniors?

Cat Kiss's?

Okay so heres a weird one..My daughters cat is infatuated with peoples mouths. Every morning I awaken to this cat sitting and stareing at me. Either she is on the pillow next to me or sitting right on top of me, just waiting for me to open my eyes. Then she comes right to my mouth as if she is kissing me. I believe she is smelling my breath. Why would she do this. When my kids were little I remember people warning me about cats smelling milk on the baby, but I have a allergy to dairy so I dont do milk. I have seen her do this to others also. The cat also has a habit of drooling.. Anyone elses cat drool?

I'm doing "okay" in physics, should I stay in engineering?

I am an EE major. I don't know exactly how well I'm doing in physics 1, but I almost dropped for fear that I was failing (got a 40 on the first midterm, and a 57 on the second). My adviser said that the 57% was a good grade and that a lot of people are struggling with physics. My question is, if the curve of the cl allows me to take physics 2, how much of the material from physics 1 carries over to physics 2? Also I don't feel like I know the material well enough to p, even if a curve did allow me to. As an engineer, I'm sure that I will have to know a lot about physics, especially EE. What should I do? Thanks in advance.

I am trying to make up a name for my pet could you help he come up with a name PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE???????????

check out a href="" rel="nofollow" . they have 1000's of pet names along with their meaning

Whats your favorite disney movie and why??(:?

Beauty and the Beast because it's just so magical (haha I sound like a teenage girl), and the romance is good, genuine, and not too rushed or forced, the songs are good, the characters are likeable, and the scenery is beautiful. Also, the story is really, really good too!!

Is Hughes A Certain Starter For The Ashes?

Hughes. A player with huge potential. If he gets chance to get experience, he would be one of the best players.

If, at 40, your spouse gets his/her first tattoo, does that mean he/she is tramping it up?

What do you think? You should know her better than the people who answer this, but sometimes it seems like you hardly know her at all. It does sound as though she has a bit of a wild side to her. Whether this means she is ready to "tramp it up" or not is anyone's guess. Unless she always wears any tops that don't show the back of her shoulder in public, I don't see how she can say no one will see it. I personally don't care for tattoos, but a lot of people do. Your wife is one of those people who like them and she is probably very proud of it. This is just my opinion, but my first thoughts when I read this were negative. If you two were serious about getting back together, this is something that most people would at least tell their spouse about before they went out and got it. It seems as though you both are biding your time in this reconciliation attempt and that it isn't being taken seriously by either of you. I think what you are really wondering is whether she is taking up with Timdawg again.

Las Ataduras in spanish?

Does anyone know of a typed out version or translation of "Las Ataduras" by Carmen Mart�n Gaite?

Black Eyed Peas sellouts?

I always thought that the black eyed peas were always **** but then i heard songs like Karma from when Fergie wasnt there... They used to be actually pretty nice but it seems they sold out to the mes and play only the music that the radio feeds into your mind now by playing the same songs 50+ times a day

Was the Law given by Yahweh perfect (Psalm 19:7), or wasn't it (Hebrews 8:6-8)?

Honestly, I feel the Old testament has more credibility than the NT. God is perfect, and He wouldn't have given his people something that wasn't perfect.

Sub Mariner vs Freddy Kruggur who wins?

Keep in mind it's the surface in the real world not a dream. Also Sub Mariner has been out of the water less than an hour so he will still be able to lift up to 12 tons. This goes to Sub Mariner. He is short fused tough as hell and one he is against an overconfident arrogant naive think he can't beat villain saying one stupid comment about his appearnce Sub Mariner quicker than Kruggur then is getting his @$$ kicked with Sub Mariner's fists with deadly punches Freddy in a desperation attempt puts his glove in Sub Mariner but it doesn't any damage because Sub Mariner has superhuman durability. He takes them out breaks off each blade puts in Freddy then rips off both arms and throws him so hard it sends out of Earth into space. Good luck trying to get back with no breathing in space and the fact he can't fly. Or Sub Mariner keeps pounding him and throwing like a little ***** until he is knocked out.Freddy Kruggur would be a punching bag in this match.

Is there a UK version of this site?

a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

AS a Bible-believing Christ I've honestly wondered: If Young Earth Creationist Christians are correct about...?

You bring up some very good points. The YECs are very mistaken in their scientific views. If only more of them would take this into consideration. After all, if the earth is only 6,000 years old, shouldn't the evidence point toward that?

Does everyone have this experience in yoga?

I got talked into trying yoga for the first time the other day. I have a very intense personality and it was suggested that it would help me focus my energy better so I finally tried it. I wasn't expecting what happened at the end though. Laying there after exhausting my body my thoughts we slow, slow enough I realized I could concentrate and focus on them. As I laid there I thought about the signals I was receiving from my body, thoughts about work and school and the future and my ex, and thoughts about how I could focus on my thoughts. What happened next I can only described as profound. Suddenly a gentle gong sounded and gently pulled my consciousness out of this "place" and I realized that I had gone somewhere else. A second gong pulled me a little further and I began to realize I was back in the universe. The third and last one pulled me the rest of the way back and I realized I had a body and was in a building and there was a floor beneath me and air in my lungs and an entire world around me. After coming back I realized I had gone somewhere where existence did not exist. There was nothing but my consciousness. It wasn't like an out of body experience, because in that you are still in the universe. Where I was there was no universe, no matter, no light or dark, nothing but my awareness of myself. Thinking about it when I came back took my breath away, and I don't say that to be corny, when I thought about it I could barely catch my breath. And I felt at peace, and relaxed, and genuinely happy. Nothing like I've ever felt before. Later that night, laying in bed trying to sleep, I thought about that place and for and instantaneous moment I went back there and could feel it. Then I was back in bed. As I said, the only way I describe it closely is profound. Does this normally happen? Will it happen next time? Am I the only one with this experience? It is confusing because I'm not even the type of guy that would even do yoga. But it has seemed to change me.


so i have AMAZING accruacy when throwing the football 10 yards , but how do i make my am like a cannon , like byron leftwich or Brett favre , so how do i improve my arm , to make my self throwing 35 yards with power and accruacy ??

I am 6'2" , 96 kgs , my chest is 42" , is it possible to make it 52" in 8 months ?

what exactly do i have to eat to do that , and is it really possible without taking supplements and drugs ?

Stretch marks...ladies please help!!?

I'm a small girl 5'4,135lbs...within the last few months my lower half ( & thighs) have just been getting bigger & bigger, I'm talking about 2 sizes away from Kim Kardashian :(...I have quite a few stretch marks (dark purple color) on my outer and inner thighs and on my , I've been using Palmer's Stretch Mark lotion...has anyone had any luck with this? Or anything else you can recommend? I used to be happy with my body until now. I'm sure some ladies can relate to this and I would love to hear if anyone has had luck with any products or treatments. Thanks!

What do you know about the fariness doctrine?

i'm doing a little research on the fairness doctrine for my speech and debate cl. if you could give me reasons why we should bring it back and reasons why it shouldn't be brought back that would be great.

My dad wants to give me a purity ring, but i'm not a

You can still make a promise to not have again until marriage, even though you are not a virgin then you can wear the ring. Then he will never know.

Looking for a freeware program that allows me to record gameplay from online games like maplestory, anyone?

It must be a freeware program, be able to record sound. It can't have any problems with it. Got any ideas?

What u think of my team

I would trade Driver and Harrison for a really good WR. Harrison and Driver are overrated this year but if you put the two together in a trade you could get something good. Great QB. 3 Superstart RB's 1 decent WR and if you do that trade i said you should have 2 decent to good WR's. If this is a 12 man league as of now i say 7

Does anyone know how to type the statistical symbol for mean, "X" with a bar over it, in Word?

I used to know a way to do that, but I haven't needed it in a while. The guy above me is right though.. you can use the editor to get the symbol you're looking for

I am really stuck on this brain teaser I was wondering if someone could help me. Thanks in advance?

A major fast-food chain held a contest to promote sales. With each purchase, a customer was given a card with a whole number less than 100 on it. A $100 prize was given to any person who presented cards whose numbers totaled 100. Jamie collected cards containing 3,9,12,15,18,27,51,72,84. Can you find a winning combination? Can you suggest how the contest could be structured so there would be at most 1000 winners throughout the country?

Could you give me advise about how to deal with my "mommas boy" fiance and his overbearing mother?

If your not married yet I would say run!!!!!!! take your kids with you. there is plenty of help out there if you look. Good luck!

Monday, August 15, 2011

I need help understanding Pedigree ysis!?

if a male with the genotype of ee marries a woman with the genotype of Ee (a trait) and they have 12 children, how many kids would be affected by the trait and how many kids would not?

Does anyone have a recipe for 'Derby Pie'?

My boyfriend is coming home for Christmas (he's in the Navy), and Derby Pie is his favorite food at chow. I need a decent recipe to make it. Thanks!

No matter how hard I try, I just can't like Candice and Michelle McCool. Does any1 else have this problem?

From the WWE obviously. I normally like the people who are face but I just have a major problem with these two. They're supposed to be like the best of the best of the womens division in the WWE, along with Mickie James but Mickie James I like... I just really don't like Candice Michelle and Michelle McCool. Is it just me or does anyone else have this problem 2? Because every wrestling fan I know just completely love them and I don't understand why!

Bleeding at 5weeks? will scan show anything?

done test and got BFP but started bleeding, seen a doctor who refered me to get scan tomorrow but will much show up at 5weeks? please help i have lost 7babies already.

Shopping For A Turkey It was Christmas Eve in a supermarket and a woman was anxiously picking over the last?

few remaining turkeys in the hope of finding a large one.In desperation she called over a shop istant and said "Excuse me. Do these turkeys get any bigger?""No" he replied, "They're all dead".

Statistic test help!?!?

Many people have misconceptions about how profitable small, consistent investments can be. In a survey of 1010 randomly selected US adults, only 374 responded that they thought that an investment of $25 per week over 40 years with a 7% annual return would result in a sum of over $100,000 (the correct amount is $286,640). Is there sufficient evidence to conclude that fewer than half of US adults are aware that such an investment would result in a sum over $100,000? Test the relevant hypothesis at alpha = 0.05

Anyone use

I brought some BKE jeans from buckle and they didn't fit very well. I have quite largish thighs and hips which they hugged. I personally prefer the KUT Michelle ones which are about the same price as BKE, around $79 :)

Whats the value of a pearl with flaws?

pretty much nothing. Individual single white perfect pearls aren't worth a tremendous amount unless they are a large size. Like bigger than a pea. And ones that are are not uniform in color or perfect in shape just aren't worth anything. Sorry.

How much should i weigh.. Please help :(?

How mucch should i weigh? im 12, 5ft5 im female :P and im really confused :s because i feel as though i weigh more than i should :S what would be the ideal weight? in stone and pounds if possible, bu tif not , kgs will do lol x

Help Building PC, are these parts compatible? How can I save money?

should be, to save money id run 4-6 gb rather than 8 unless you are doing video editing, if not its overkill, also id not spend more than about �15 - 20 or the equiv in dollars or whatever currency, as you can mod them, there is little difference, other than style which you could mod it to look similar to

Who is such a deuche? You should be ashamed?

i asked what do kobe & oj have in common & someone actually reported it...tell me thats not funny that someone would actually report that, are we that sensitive, cant we have fun? i never knew people were so defensive about kobe & orange juice.

Could someone correct/help me with my French writing?

Pretty close! Just missing a little thing or two in the second sentence. "Je voudrais QUE ma chambre SOIT rouge. If you don't want to use the same sentence structure as the third sentence, you could change it a little bit, "je voudrais avoir une chambre rouge" or simply "je voudrais une chambre rouge"

What is going to happen on December 21 2012 or during that year?

Ok so there has been tons of things sopposly going to happen during the year 2012. There has been lots of books published, TV shows, An over the internet. The mayans, The I-ching, The hopi indians, Nastradamus, Einstein, Edgar cayce and merlin predicted that something may happen during the year 2012. There has been weird wheater going on all over the world. Earthquakes. Dying animals Birds, Fish, , Doves, Cows, Buffalos. There are tons of things going on but im not going to list all. What do you guys think will happen? Im not saying its true but if you look closely like the bible there are things happening now. There is this show i watched called: Bible code 2012 it says something may happen. I know lots of people here says its hoax but yu never know

What hairstyle is this (pics)?

It's just long, straight hair with longer layers. If your hair's not long enough you could use extensions, it would also make it look like you have more layers.

How does one safely remove an angered barn owl form a cupboard?

Have your Majordomo handle this. Inconsequential things like this are beneath your station and should not warrant your attention. Now that new kitchen maid on the other hand. . .

Do you know what anime this is?

My sister's looking for a "magical girl" anime where the main character is a little girl who wears a fish mascot costume. The mascot costume is a real live fish (with a zipper) and she sometimes eats parts of it (it regenerates). Weird, I know. It used to be one of the animes on "on demand". Every character is a magical girl with a mascot style costume made of a real live animal. For example, another girl is wearing a skimpy costume made up of a very long cat that she wraps around her body like a bandage. I haven't ever seen any mention of this anime since we first saw it years ago

Dream where the skin on my shins and calves is coming off?

I had a dream a few days ago where i looked at my legs, and it looked like they had frost on them. In the dream I thought I got frost bite or something, and was going to let them "Thaw." I wasn't worried about them being frozen or anything. Later on in the dream, I pulled up my pants and saw that the skin was coming off of the shins and calves and that chunks were missing and I could even see some bone. I started to worry and tried to find someone that could fix my legs. I couldn't find anyone so I went into my bathroom and filled the tub with water and started walking around in it. I remember the pain being more of an ache and not horrible pain or anything, and I was more worried than scared. I just remember really clearly that I could see bone and chunks of skin and flesh were coming off and it seemed to only be my shins and calves. Any ideas?

Did you know ballet is the most physically demanding sport on earth?!?

I definitely did not, but I was watching a Discovery Channel presentation on the limits of the human body and they said ballet is the most physically demanding sport on earth. Why? Because the pressure applied on the foot bones when they dance point (on their toes) is equivalent to THREE elephants stacked on top of each other focused in that one area.....WOW! And they also feel the pain that comes with it but have to continue leaping and smiling....geez....

Is it true that if you sleep...?

with clical music or smart people shows(National Geographic or History Channel) you will intake it during your sleep and get smarter????????????

What are your predictions for next week?

I think it will be the Packers and Steelers in two close games. The difference between the Pats and Steelers is that the Pats weren't a great defense while the Steelers are. The Pats beat teams by taking the lead and pouring in on with their offense. When the Jets shut down the offense, it exposed the defense.

Which QB is gonna throw more TDs this week?

Me being a Chargers fan, of course I would say Philip Rivers. But if I wasn't, I think I would still say Philip Rivers.

FTWF[Family Ties Wrestling Federation] TGIF Impact. Is it good?

Sorry, TGIF Impact was delayed cuz of other programming, but we r live here 2nite. "Ladies and gentlemen your 1st contest of FTWF TGIF Impact is a tag team match scheduled 4 one fall. Introducing 1st, from Brooklyn, New York, Theo The Punisher Huxtable. And his tag team partner from Bayside, Califronia, The One Zach Morris. And their opponents, 1st from Bayside, Califronia, A.C. The Body Slater. And his partner, he is the FTWF Undisputed united Jocks Champion, Martin U So Crazy Payne!!" Theo and Slater begin the match w/a lockup. Headlock Theo and Slater bounces him off the ropes. Theo ducks an elbow and comes back at Slater w/a flying 4 arm. Theo then catches Slater w/a headlock takedown. Slater fights back up and bounces Theo off the ropes. Leapfrog Slater and Martin Pulls down the top rope. Theo tumbles 2 the outside as Zach and Slater start 2 jaw at each other. Martin hammers away on Thoe b-4 throwing him back in the ring. Slater tags him in and Theo hits a quick armdrag. BRB

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Abortion because husband is ?

My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for almost 2 years. Over that time, I have felt that he was becoming less and less interested in the . He used to initiate often, but now he never seems into it and sometimes just rolls over when I kiss him. I just thought he was discouraged since it was taking so long to conceive and I finally found out I was pregnant last month, so I figured everything would go back to normal. It didn't however, so I became worried. I decided to take a half-day on Friday and surprise him with a weekend getaway (he works from home sometimes as a copyeditor), but when I got home there was a strange car in the driveway. I entered the house quietly and spied him having with another man without him seeing me. We are good Christians and I could not believe my eyes. I ran out of the house and cried to my sister on the phone for 2 hours without explaining the situation to her, then I went home and tried to pretend everything was normal. I don't know what to do. I am against abortion, but I feel I must get one to prevent my child from being raised in sin by a ual. Even if I confront my husband and leave him, the child will still have the taint of ity on his soul and I will not be able to hide his past from him when he gets older. Will God understand if I get an abortion in this cirstance? I don't want to go to Hell, but I want to prevent any child from growing up as a product of this filthy lifestyle.

Is Cheney campaigning with Mitt Romney?

If he is not, he should be. Cheney has solid credentials with gun ownwers, and he could help Mitt raise some cred with gun carriers.

Would Phillip Hughes have thrown the no hitter if he did not get hurt?

It's sad to say but no one would know for sure. I feel so sorry for the guy. I actually cried. It's such a bummer. Go figure.

How do I stop dreaming about a certain celebrity?

Please help. I keep having dreams about Bam Margera where he always tries to use me for hanky panky! I think he's a neat guy and I liked watching his shows, but the strange part is, is I don't even have cable anymore! He's cute and all but I keep waking up feeling used! lol! Why am I constantly dreaming of him when I'm not really even infatuated with him? Also its not like I'm lingering on the dreams either. Seriously! Some advice please?

"The quality of cricket in the 1990s was much better than 2000s" - Sir IVA Richards, how much truth here?

He is right. But keeping that the Video ysis of Batsmen reveal their weakness very soon and also even the Fielding Placements are plotted in the Dressing room Between the Coach and Captain for each opposition player. If the physical battle are more in those days, mental battle emerges as a threat to distract batsmen. Captains pressure batsmen to play away from their Natural Games. Batsmen evolved a lot after those days. Invented New Shots and Create strategies to tackle bowlers and get advantage of Powerplays. Players like Sehwag, Dilshan, Gilly, Dhoni, Flintoff, Hayden are unstoppable even with any technologies. But we have to accept the truth that ODI has evolved to be more friendly to batsmen with 3Powerplays, Free Hit, One Bouncer Rule along with Flat Pitches. Just because to entertain Spectators. But it will bore the spectators too soon and its too close. IVA Richards had said the truth but one thing is Even now only the Best Batsmen can serve long as their break points are easily revealed once and again

IPhone 3GS vs Samsung i8910 HD what's your pick ?

Omnia HD no doubt the better phone. In terms of functions and specs it is way beyond that of the 3gs. the apps aren't much of a big deal, most of them are useless anyway.

How do you freeze candy and cookies?

I would like to make my christmas candy and cookies early and freeze them.Is their some that doe-sn,t freeze well.Do you just put them in plastic bags?lI would appreciate any help.Thank you/

Question for Human Resource professionals..?

I was terminated from a company back in June of 2002. I recently reapplied for this position, but they have a no rehire policy. How long do companys keep your records? Will they definitely know that I used to be a former employee?

I weight about 107-110 and I'm 13yrs old, am i bit overweight?

I'm just always staring down at my thighs and their bigger than the girls around me, but their taller than me. I haven't weighed myself in awhile, and I quit athletics a while ago. I am 5' ft, and I'm just worried about my weight, last year I weighed 92, and now I gained a bunch of weight and have painful stretch marks. Any help :(??

Can someone please help me make a statistics for this by using charts 10 points?

What do you need to make statistics for? It's weight? The amount of pengers it holds?? Anything? There's not much info for anyone to help you out on. Sorry!

Radio active decay question?

Radioactive Cu 64 has a half-life of 12.8 days. A chemist obtains a fresh sample of Cu 64 and determines that she needs at least 19.5% of the original radioactivity in order to complete the experiment. What is the maximum time she has to do the experiment?

Dog Foster Families?

I would contact Fugee's Rescue and ask them what all is required of you. Different states have different regulations.

How to become a writer for stars and stripes?

so i guess you have a degree in journalism. right? if so, apply directly to the Department of Defense. no, it is not a rating. not even military.

Genetics can someone HELP?

Nope you're right! Because neither are dominant to eachother like it says which means if A and B were present they would be type AB!! but if they are both type B this means that it is not possinle for A to be present so that means their baby can't be! Hope that helps!!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Can any one explain this small paragraph to me?

The western capitalist system promotes educational individualism, and moving ahead of fellow human beings undermines what is at the heart of the concept of wakohtowin, the betterment of all our relationships. Historically and today, our domestic and political issues originate in our relationship with the church and state and their establishment of empires.The establishment of empires has meant the deconstruction of traditional cultures and their economic systems.

ual exploration is normal for boys. Doesn't make them s.?

Normal teenage behavior for males is to explore their uality. Hormones drive the biological NEED to do this. Islam segregates males and females. When young, ually frustrated, NORMAL young boys cannot be with a girl, they will act out this basic bodily need with the next best subject. Since they are left with ONLY other boys, they do what comes naturally, and experiment with each other. WHY does Islam condem this behavior, and often sentence these youths to be executed, when they most likely ARE NOT uals at all - just acting out what their hormones dictate. The need for is the sign of a REAL man. Yet Islam is ignorant of this basic male need. WHY?

Was offered steven jackson and kevin curtis for thomas jones and kevin walter, do it?

I know Jackson is on a bad team and curtis is still hurt but I have roddy white, vincent jackson and kelley washinton at wr and also have turner and sproles at rb. Walter looked good last week but he is a 3rd wr. thanks

uming a girl or black cant win the pres.Then who will most likely change Washington? rudy,McCain,Romney?

None of the above. Ron Paul would, but the lobbyists and media will try their best to make sure he is not elected.

Abortion......dont want to but I am scared to have this child?:(?

i'm glad i'm the first to answer because everyone is going to yell at you and tell you to put it up for adoption...i have personally never had an abortion, but if you force yourself to have a child you don't want it may be even harder. how far along are you? from what i understand you will have to find a clinic or hospital if you are more than 7 weeks along. there is a pill you can take to cause an abortion if you are less than 7 weeks. once you find a clinic you will have to see an ultrasound and decide if you really want to go through with it. I would check a few clinics before you decide. look up the process and pictures on the web just to make sure you'll be ok with the whole process.. don't take aspirin or drink afterwards and PLEASE start using birth control.

Why does my mysql_num_rows not work?

Nothing is wrong with my query I don't think: "SELECT * FROM users WHERE username='" . $u . " ' "; But for some reason, when I write out: mysql_num_rows($query) or die('can\'t execut num rows'), it just tells me it's not working. this confuses me...

Please tell me im not the only one that wants the cutting = emo stereotype to die?

Yes, I would like to see the fad die.... same thing with all the "Bipolar this and Bipolar that". It diminishes the issues that people with real mental illnesses deal with. I am Bipolar and people either become afraid of me or think it's no big deal "just quit being so emotional" when they find out.... same thing with cutting, The fact that it is a fad or that it is misunderstood is harmful to people who really deal with it.

Will Tom Brandstater become the starter for the Denver Broncos this year?

Kyle Orton is the starter but is a bit flaky. Chris Simms is out so rookie Brandstater is #2. He's got the smarts apparently...and McDaniels picked him late in the draft like he did Cel. Any truth to this article? a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a

Taiwanese woman and colplicated life?

have met a very nice lady from taiwan who lives there ars well. we've met twice and it clicked. have known each other for 4 years. I have two kids, of which she knows about 1 and the kids mother and I have a very stormy totally platonic relationship. I live in Europe. What should I do

John McCain Concession Speech: What Do You Think?

Had he allowed his decency to shine through this entire election, he may have won. Sen. McCain, you did not earn my vote, but you will always have my respect.

Cute hairstyles for snowboarding?

I know no one really cares what you look like when you snowboard, but I still like looking nice. I know I can french braid, regular braid, or just put in a ponytail but I was looking for some other ideas. I will either being wearing a hat or a ear muff/headband thing. It would help if you had a picture or a video link on how to do it.

Why does the Xbox 360 suck SO bad, but rule at the same time?

I'm unbelievably pissed off right now. My xbox 360 has the red ring of death for the second time in 2 months. The first time i fixed it myself cause i didn't want to wait a month to get it back because COD: MW2 came out in like 2 days. I voided the warranty and ripped open the xbox, followed a video and repaired it. It worked, I was happy. Then a few weeks later the f ***er got the RROD again, accept it fixed itself after I turned it off and then back on, and it did that everytime I went to use it, I just turned it off and back on everytime. Until this morning, when the piece of **** died again. It won't work and I don't know what to do, I can't send it back cause I voided the warranty when I fixed it the first time, and I don't wanna buy another cause I just spent a ****load on a new snowboard and snow pants. I don't even know why I'm typing this, I guess to get frustration out. I don't wanna buy a ps3 either cause none of my friends have one. F *** MICROSOFT!!!!

So frustrated, why does my dog always stink?

I can't snuggle her because she consistently smells bad (like stale tortilla chips). I give her a bath once every 1-2 weeks. She does not have an infection, with her thin coat and my eagle eye, I have not seen anything, nor has she displayed unhealthy behavior. She is a miniature schnauzer and is 3y/o. She does have bad B.O. after running in the field with hubby, but even after the B.O. fades (well into the next day) she still smells bad. I've even washed her bed, and still stinky! Please help :(

Borderline personality disorders?

k. so apparently i have a borderline personality disorder..big shock there...I'm reading a great book called ~I Hate You Don't Leave Me~. I've been misdiagnosed for YEARS. I'm glad to have some reading material on it, it's about 95% dead on, but I'm a little pissed about a few things...any other BPD out there with advice? Like a) I'm not manipulative b) I'm not promiscuous c) I DID cut for a long time, but not for "attention" I hid it quite well d) I'm VERY empathetic (to the point it literally makes me sick). I like logical explanations instead of the you are BPD, take these pills and get out, so I'm glad I have the book, but like I said I'm a little irritated by some of the "traits". So maybe I'm just misunderstanding some of it. Any advice..other than negative is welcome.

I like someone and she likes me but i like someone else to. I NEED HELP?

I need help. i have been crushing on a girl ( ashley ) that told me she liked me. and i told her i liked her. And the other night i was hanging out with ashley and the girl i have had a crush on for the past year ( lisa ). About 4 months ago i told lisa i liked her alot and i talked to her for 3 hours straight on msn. And she said maybe some other time. so now i really like lisa again but i feel bad because i told ashley i like her back. so i like both of them but i like lisa more. And lisa and i are going to the same higschool next year and i only have a quarter left with ashley...HELP ME. what should i do. Lisa is someone who i can tell anything to and she can help me with things like this. and ashley is just a close friend. And lisa is going out with some one now. i told lisa what i am telling you know. she said she likes me to, and that i could go out with her next year in highschool or if something goes wrong with her bf now. so lisa likes 2 people to me and this other guy pls hlp

Need perfect drill! help!?

i sorta like to buy a drill Porter Cable or Makita but i dont what to choose lithium ion or ni cad if i got the drill i'd use it once every few days not very much light use so what would be good for me?

What do you think about this girl?

A guy literally JUST meets a girl at the gym, then for the next 3 days, she leaves him facebook comments, IMs him all 3 days, tell him she wants to go get ice cream with him constantly, and sends him her number via facebook without the guy even asking for it, was it wrong for me to try to hook up with her on our first date? because she just kinda turned her head. I apologized 2 weeks later for making her feel uncomfortable and she said its fine. But ever since she hasn't really contacted me except for when i saw her at church yesterday she texted me and was liek I JUS SAW U AT CHURCH and las week i saw her at the gym again and she kept wanting me to work out with her and then go to the grocery store wit her? idk and then i asked her to hang out las week and she said she would let me know and she never did. SO IDK IM VERY CONFUSED. (and im not just trying to use her for , I actually wanna get to know her and maybe take it to the next level eventually)

Can I use Boneless Pork Rib Roast to make "pulled pork?"?

I did this yesterday, I usually use a Boston , although the rib roast can be as good. I put the meat on a grill and smoke it for at least two hours, then I put it into the slow cooker with 1 large chopped yellow onion and a cup of apple cider vinegar to break down the fibers. Leave it for six hours, take it out and use two forks to shred it and separate any bone and fat. Put back in the slow cooker with a good BBQ sauce, something thin and with vinegar (Carolina style) in it for another three hours. Put it on a bun with some juice and you won't want to stop eating it.

How can I clean soiled Suede boots?

They have scuffs, dog hair, and dog saliva on them, but there are no holes or anything in them. The dog moved them a few times, but didn't chew. So how can I safely clean the scuffs and saliva off of them?

Should I use onboard video or purchase a pci video card?

I just bought a 1080p monitor and movies and video clips are very choppy at max resolution. I have a dell e310 with Intel GMA 900 Graphics with 128MB Shared Memory. I have a PCIe 1x slot but i can't find many video cards to fit and none are within my budget. Will a 50 - 60 dollar pci video card be an improvement or should i stick with the onboard?

How can a prevent cats defecating on my front lawn?

First of all talk to the owners of the cats if they have any and let them know that you don't appreciate the cats going on your lawn. It is actually the owners fault and not the cats that this is happening in the first place. Maybe this will encourage them to keep their cats indoors rather than letting them run loose. If the owners are not responding then I would go ahead and spray the cats with a hose everytime you catch one in your yard. This will not hurt the cat, but will let the cat ociate your yard with something unpleasant. You might also collect the feces and place them on the owners yard to make a point of what you are dealing with!

In ism is there a difference between ual lust and aesthetic love expressionism (preferably s)?

I just see ism as the most unearthly awe inspiring beautiful bouquet in all of gods beauty. I love ism to death. When I sense two girls hopelessly in love nude in bed together compellingly squeezing their bodies infinitely close together and crying uncontrollably in each others arms in their loss of privacy/bodily innocence I am literally in heaven. So I guess I'm just wondering the difference between ual lust for each others flesh and just the childlike wonderful unbearable desire to share the infinite heavenly aesthetic wonder of their infinitely most beautiful flowers to just get infinitely drowned in their hopeless love as their infinitely beautiful divine bouquet.

Is it just me, or does the gas prices seem to kill you financially?

It seems like since the gas prices went up so drastically, my husband and I can't do the things we used to do and are having a lot of trouble financially. Its even getting harder to pay bills, which we have always been ok with. We have always lived paycheck to paycheck, but bills have always been #1 priority. Is anyone else having a hard time? What are you doing to solve your financial woes?

Friday, August 12, 2011

Packers and Vikings=0 Referees=2?

Vikings vs Colts, who will win next week? These illegitimate teams like the Cardinals and Saints get through the filters with the help of terrible referees, so why should we recognize their existence other than to laugh at them?

How to get rid of cuts fast?

I fell off my skateboard and skidded the left side of my face, palms, and left knee. How do I get rid of them fast or at least stop the pain?

Why go gluten free????

Why is gluten bad for you? I always see different foods promoted to be gluten-free, but why does that make it any healthier for you?? I always thought it was a dietary thing I never had to pay attention too, but I'm wondering if there is something more to this whole gluten-free thing. My roommate sometimes shares her gluten-free pasta and gluten-free ice cream with me and I don't know why....but either in a few hours or by that next morning, my system CLEANS itself. Usually I only go once a week. But whenever I eat gluten-free meals, I go! It makes me feel healthier, but is this from the gluten?? It's really making me considering to go gluten-free. But is this just a coincidence or is there something about gluten-free? (my roommate has celiac disease, which is why she eats gluten-free products).

WHY does everyone hate miley cyrus!?!?

they dont hate her for being normal. they just dont think she deserves the spotlight for it. the only reason she has all that money and fame is becasue she has an entire TEAM of people changing her so that she is the epitome of teen star. so that disney makes tons of money. you arent seeing the real miley cyrus. youre seeing a man made creation.

Should I forgive her?

Really it depends on if she's changed or not. Looking at what you've written it seems she can't be trusted. The best thing for you to do is find a way to speak with her and let her know how you feel. Be calm and be the better person. If she says she's sorry tell her that you prefer actions over words and see if she stops backstabbing you, if not then I would let her know that she had her chance and she blew it. Good luck!

My turtle is not eating and is not swiming around like the day it came?

i got a red slider as a gift and the day it came we kept it in a tank with 2 inches of water like the person asked us to and we gave him turtle food and pebbles and a place to sit out of water just a little above the water and he is kept in a well lit area we change the water regularly but no filter and no uv lamp that the cause???i really want to help it Please suggest something!!

I go on vacation to punta cana on Jan 25th to an all inclusive, will D.R. and the resorts be normal?

very selfish i know, but i do live in my own world, as do the rest of us :) will dominican republic (punta cana) to be exact, have any changes or closures due to the earth quake in haiti ? I'm going on vacation there on the 25th and was wondering if people are still going for vacations to punta cana. I dont think there was any damage on the DR side, and i dont think the all inclusive resorts even batted an eyelash, but you never know....what do you think?

Poll..............Do you think?

Do you think the amazing Obama has chosen the right cabinet picks and has all the solutions to take this country in the right direction?In 4 years we will be once again living in prosperity.

Is the following biography info true about GOP front runner John McCain?

McCane is senile old wind per with numerous mental problems which he inherited from Vietnam war. He does not even worth an attention that he gets. He is a joke of the year.

Can u sing if no one in your family can sing and can u pratice to get better.?

I know ive asks this question before but i have more details. What if my mom and dad or sister or brother or aunts or uncles or grandma or grandpa or ANYONE in my family cant sing. Will I be able to still sing good or no? Is singing hereditary? Also if u pratice singing can you get better?

Click if you read the lightning thief book. Please help me?

I have a project due Monday and its about the lightning thief. I need to make 3 wanted posters about a character in the lightning thief. I already have Medusa and Ares,But if you can give me more information about some bad things they did that would be great. I need the character's name and information about why they are wanted and other bad stuff they did. THANK YOU

Hyperventilating and Dizziness?

I would call a doctor--it could just be nerves, but it also could be certain food or lack of sleep driving this.

Who do you think were really using steroids?

They all used steroids. Didn't you find it suspicious how suddenly what seemed to be unbreakable records were being broken one after another in just a matter of a few years? Congress decided to crack down on it. These professional ball players are expected to be role models, not self centered. They obviously only thought about making headlines and cheating to break records. Barry Bonds is probably the most obvious for doing it though. When he began his MLB career, he was skinny. Towards the end of his career, he was really jacking the out of the park and he was fat!!!!! Sure, he was old....but not that old!!!!!

I,m having a colonoscopy procedure done tomorrow morning , & i,m prescribed to take move prep , which is unbe?

arable to take. I chose to take the oral solution magnesium citrate two bottles instead of the moveprep. It wasn,t approved by the Dr. They say, it damages the liver or the kidney. Although, i have used it in the past colonoscopy procedure , which it was prescribed by the Dr. I ,m not sure if it was the fleet phosphate or the magnesium citrate. I don,t know , if there is any difference . I"m perfectley healthy & have no problems with my liver or kidney or anything. I,m wondering what will happen if i didn,t follow my Dr,S directions, or anything will happen to me.

What do you think of the official 9/11 story?

You know, the one that says 19 arabs singlehandedly hijacked 4 airplanes and out smarted the entire US Air Defense and three skyscrs all collapsed into their own footprint. Needless to say, I'm a bit skeptical.

Extra vitamin c with prenatals?

is it safe for me to take an extra 1000mg tablet of vitamin c with my prenatals? i get sick very easily in the winter-im already getting a swollen throat, stuffy nose, and slight chest tightening. all signs of what i normally get-bronchitis. id rather not have to go through that during pregnancy, so can i take the extra vitamin c?

What will the sims 3 woo hoo, ect be like?

In the sims 2, woo hoo is terrible, giving birth to a baby is terrible, and when you take off there cloths after you had the nude patch, theres nothing there![unless downloaded skins] DUZ ANYBODY KNOW what the bodies and all the stuff i mentioned look like? Will the woo hoo, birthing ect. ne more realistic? plz mention your source if possible

Help with the novel "All Quiet on the Western Front" by Erich Maria Remarque?

Honestly, I suggest you just sit down and read the novel. Getting others to read the book so that you don't have to do the work is irresponsible. All Quite on The Western Front isn't even that long of a book to read. The version I read in ninth grade helped the matter with large font.

What is your top war movies?

Tora tora tora is great, soooo much better than Pearl Harbour. 'Escape to Victory' is a kitch clic. As is 'The Great Escape'. 'The Dam Busters', 'Mrs.Miniver'' there are so many. 'Braveheart' looks so cheesy now, but at the time of its release it was a masterpiece! For a different perspective on WWII try 'Das Boot', really worth seeking out.

Have trouble being hypnotised?

it is a control thing. when i was younger i could not be hypnotised either. keep trying to relax and make sure you feel comfortable with plenty of time, try candles or music or scents to keep the environment around you as relaxing as possible. maybe you find it hard to sleep too? it is hard to switch off the brain but it is possible and like most things practice will help

Whats that film called?

Its in cinemas and I c an't remember what its called. Its where this company wants to chop down a forest and replace it with a shopping centre. And the animals of the forest makes a man from the companys life real funny and they do things to him so it'll convince him not to cut down the forest.. WhATS IT CALLED?

Is my yugioh deck good enough to win a tournament?

take out the gadgets and proto..fix up ur traps and spells. u need cards like bottomless trap hole x2, mirror force, MST x2, monster reborn, dark hole, giant trunade, etc..


ok so just wondering how many calories do you burn when doing cardio party mix 3 or fat blaster. also just list all the ones you did and each calorie burn. im really curious because i really dont no.

Help With a Yugioh Machine Deck?

well a machine deck is not proper for a player if ur a begginer then buy a dark deck or warriors deck but uf ur o pro then buy an more proffesional deck but still i think that machine deck is not proper plus it depents on players character but trust me you will regret if u buy an machine deck

Did i do the right thing?

My chipmunk Poe (po) was the best! my cat attacked him and paralyzed his neck.. So i took him in and took care of him. Just he died 1 1/2 weeks later because of heat exposure. did i do the right thing

Do you think im stupid?

If this is a symbolic act and it is important to you,then it's not stupid.We all have at one time or another have done things that were considered dumb by our friends,family or peers,but needed to be symbolically designated.In my case it was a single black rose.I don't regret it,and it does remind me from time to time(when I'm feeling vengeful) that the best revenge is to live a better life and to NOT sweat the small stuff.I imagine that your piercings will be done in the same spirit that my rose was done.To thine own self be true.Keep your chin up,you sound like a real strong young lady.I hope what ever it is that you've had to survive is over and done with.Best of luck,live a good life.Most of all I wish you peace.

What is the song nothin' on you by B.o.B and bruno mars about?

It's about a girlfriend and they're just saying that she shouldn't think or worry about the other girls because they don't mean anything compared to her.*

What is radioactive decay used for?

Radioactive decay is the emission of radioactive particles namely alpha, beta and gamma. This decay property can be used in tracers like iodine-131 to trace the absorption of iodine by the thyroid gland. It can also be used in carbon dating to detect the age of materials. Another use is in paper manufacture, it's used to make sure the paper is of the desired thickness. There are many more you can search up!!

91 Pontiac Firebird Formula runs poorly and stalls?

Hi, I would like to get some people's opinion on my problem who may have had similar issues or know a lot about F bodies. Here is my problem: Car will start and run ok when cold. Revs (in park) fine up to around 3k rpms (I haven't tried higher when its cold) but when it starts to get warm i will rev it up to about 2k rpms and it will sputter around for a second and die. When i go to start after wards it usually goes, but its a very rough lengthy start. The warmer the engine, the worse it seems. NEW PARTS INSTALLED: plugs (all gapped correctly.. changed plugs twice - same problem), wires (all connected to correct spots I.A.W. haynes diagram), cap, rotor, module, coil... Fuel pump/strainer, fuel filter, Air filter, cleaned IAC, seafoam through TB, 28oz of lucas fuel sys cleaner in tank. I've removed the TPS and it moves fluidly with no sticking. I have NOT however ohmed out the injectors but they all click properly during engine run. I have solid state ign. timing. I'm sure that i am forgetting a few things, but any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

Why is this NOT a real paradox?

the resolved riddle of the barber who shaves and doesn't shave. first, the barber shaves men, but does not shave nor is the barber shaved by someone else. this is NOT any kind of paradox, since the barber does not shave because the barber is a woman!!! why would a woman shave? legs do not count as it is simply a western cultural vanity, not a necessity as shaving a man's face is common in most parts of the world. am i right or wrong?

Where can I buy an overbust corset that suits (and keeps safe!) large ?

For you it would be best if you looked at a vollers type. They cost a lot of money but they last a long time.

Am I pathetic?

what I mean, well, I'm 39 (hard to believe) and no marriage never, no relationship, just a bunch of annoying dating and one big platonic affair that broke my heart. most people find me beautiful and get all excited to date me, but i guess it doesn't work. so what is that? a lost cause? or keep fighting for this real and solid relationship? the fact that I am an author I thought would be attractive, but whatdoyouknow? most men freak out. deep down I say 'fcuk them' and keep going. what do you think?

What kind of bracelet is it?

ive seen many people wearing them and i want one the kinda think and have words on them there black and white word and white with black words in mandy (mileys friend)closet video she shows them on there 10 pnt for best answer

Thursday, August 11, 2011

What causes heartache, have you ever had heartache?

Do you know how stupid it is when others think they know something when actually they know..... feckall. Heartache is on a refresher course and won.t be interested in all this, try something else..

Is it safe to apply cat flea shampoo and powder to the following:?

No - the products you are going to get are NOT safe for use on nursing moms and will poison the kittens. Kittens cannot have any flea products applied directly to them until they are 8 weeks old. The only exception to this is a product your vet will have. If mom has fleas, yes the kittens will have fleas. The only safe way to treat everyone - short of taking them to the vet - is to get Advantage or Frontline from the petstore, and apply it to mom only. Anything else is NOT safe for nursing or pregnant cats, and will likely poison the kittens. She needs to be flea treated as fleas can quickly suck the life out of kittens by causing flea bite anemia. Your best bet is to pack them all up and take them to the vet but if you won't do that, then get Advantage or Frontline for mom.

Which would be worse to my evangelical relatives?

I'm visiting my conservative evangelical Christian relatives at Christmas. (My question mark key isn't working so bear with me here). The deal is they will probably find out at some point that I live with my boyfriend. I don't want to listen to their opinions of my lifestyle (which experience has taught me they are likely to express) but I also feel kind of sorry for them because I think they are genuinely distressed by the thought that I'm going to hell. My mom thought of a funny joke to say when they start talking about it which is to tell them we are just roommates because we are actually gay. Or I could tell them we secretly got married first. LOL. I'm not really going to lie or discuss it in any way with them but it made me wonder which of those options (living in a continuous non-married heteroual relationship or being gay but only intermittently ually active) would in theory be more upsetting to them. What do you think.

Kotor 2 black screen?

i think you have to run kotor 2 on windows xp sevice pack 2, i dont know what else to tell you but, go to this website a href="" rel="nofollow" make an account, this website has experts that can help you like they helped me, also the have the most awesome kotor 2 mod on the net, check out the TSLRCM a href="" rel="nofollow"…/a good luck :)

Can officers choose the amount of the set fine on a speeding ticket?

I was served with a $295.00 total amount payable speeding ticket for going 130 km/h in a 90 km/h zone. I was stopped by the OPP and was given this ticket. Has anybody gotten 40 over tickets and have received a lower fine? I know that the fines are based on how much over the limit the driver was going, but do they have the right to choose the amount on the ticket?

Watergate and the Myth of the Presidency?

Was Nixon's crime a serious violation of the constitution, or did he do somthing that other presidents have done , he only "got caught"doing it? Discuss.......

Hey everyone answer this?

would you rather live in a democracy where guns are illegal and abortion is legal and they allow gay marriages and they outlawed religion or would you rather live in an imperial dictatorship where you were allowed to own guns without all these regulations but abortion and gay marriage were illegal and punished by death and they were officially christian but allowed freedom of religion I would rather live in this particular dictatorship than that specific democracy cause that dictatorship has more personal freedoms than that particular democracy oh and don't say anything stupid like I would revolt lets pretend they have a billion man army and would drop tons of bombs on your rebellion so revolution is not a choice which do you think would be better to live in I know they arent both perfect but 1 is better than the other

Is it possible that Ram and Krishna (hindu gods) maybe one among the prophets that Allah sent..?

Anything is possible. Allah knows best. my personal opinion is that yes, it is possible. These religions are based on good behavior and right living. People have a way of revering what they see as good, so yes, it is possible that prophets were sent to give a message and then ended up being worshiped instead. Jesus(bbuh) is an example of how this can happen.

Can you suggest some good bands?

Snow Patrol. Three Days Grace. The Kooks. Lostprophets. Nickleback. FINCH. Bullet For My Valentine. Brand New. Placebo. Mayday Parade. Paramore. Boys Like Girls. The Killers. After Midnight Project. Evanescence. Linkin Park. Bright Eyes. Nirvana. Slipknot. Foo Fighters. Rise Against. Scary Kids Scaring Kids. Flyleaf. Trapt. Green Day. Egypt Central. Red Hot Chilli Peppers. Framing Hanley. The Fray. Gorillaz. Beastie Boys. The All American Rejects. Breaking Benjamin. 12 Stones. Taking Back Sunday. 30 Seconds To Mars. Funeral For A Friend. Good Charlott. I Am Ghost. The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus. Hadouken! Artic Monkeys. White Stripes. Red. AFI. Deftones. Kings Of Leon. System Of The Down. Band Of Horses. Klaxons. Stiff Dylans. A Day To Remember.

Am i the only one who dislikes Coldplay?

I get sick of hearing about Coldplay, but they really aren't bad at all. Their lyrics are somewhat interesting and I like several of their songs. Once something becomes mainstream, there's the tendency for clic rock/metal fans like myself to just throw it out, but I'm glad I gave Coldplay a chance. It's one band that me and my lame @ss friends can agree upon.

Two questions: If you're against affirmative action, are you against for ONLY minorities or for everyone?

i think in today's world (since racism and ism has significantly reduced), affirmative action should be based on socioeconomic.

It's been bout 41 days since the first day of my last period, could I be pregnant?

ok so the first day of my last period was June 16, 2010, today is July 27, 2010. I've bn having unprotected ((we have used the "pull out" method but lately he just finishes in me! (sorry didn't knw how else to put it) I've taken about 4 home pregnancy test and they come out NEGATIVE!! :( my period is usually irregular but this has been too long. Any suggestions? I've had some symptoms but idk if they are juz in my head or what!

Mars - Phoenix?

2. No. If they found evidence of life on Mars, that would mean they'd probably get a lot more funding. What kind of panic can be caused by microbial life, anyway? I know that I would probably throw a party because microbial life would be really exciting.

Going to school with three guys i like how to choose?

well i will have to choose between three guys to go to a farewell dance with when it comes around and i really like two of them but one im not sure i like but i don't know how im going to choose between them all how to know who to choose

A 6.00-kg cylindrical reel with a radius of 0.600 m and a frictionless axle, starts from rest and speeds up un?

A 6.00-kg cylindrical reel with a radius of 0.600 m and a frictionless axle, starts from rest and speeds up uniformly as a 4.00-kg bucket falls into a well, making a light rope unwind from the reel (Fig. 8.36). The bucket starts from rest and falls for 4.00 s.

Do you think the reason the mtv real world guys can get random girls at clubs is bec. the girls know their?

going to be on tv? I been to clubs and I seen guy's get rejected most of the time and most of the girls just go their to dance with their friends. I'm not saying it never happens.

Evil is trying to force me to submit to it, ive been tricked as a child and again recently..?

People have been satanic ritualy abusing me im terrified because i dont know how to undo the bonds that they have braught it started by the couson when i was around 5-6-7, since then evil comes into my life and i find myself acedently doing what they said because i wasnt actualy aware, its happend again but it was a full on atack and now i cant get it out of my head they may have tricked me into drinking tainted ioaska im scared i know what what has happed the devil or his ocociates are claiming my soul and i want nothing to do with it i have always been a god loving person but they have twisted what i belived god to be and i fear that my faith isnt strong enough to protect me.... yes i am aware that this is crazy no go to hospital blah im allready reciving treatment due to this atack.

What happened to all those American Idols?

Kelly Clarkson, Ruben Studdard, Fantasia Barrino, Carrie Underwood, Taylor Hicks, Jordin Sparks, David Cook, Kris Allen, Lee DeWyze. I mean I've only heard of Kelly, Carrie and Jordin.

Recessed lighting in kitchen?

When you do recessed lighting in the kitchen.(for general lighting) where do you put the cans. Is there a rule about so many feet apart? And also how far away do you put them from the wall?

Pics:D inlcuded... help me:D please! <3?

you have a round face, so the length will look good on you, but not the bangs. keep your bangs how they are now. some layers near the face will help you look slimmer and have a more oval-looking face. Oval faces are considered the PERFECT face shape since most hairstyles look good on them and most celebrities have oval faces. :) have a nice day! :)

Help! My poor daughter...?

Recently, my fifteen year old daughter, Martha has been having really bad period pains, and her period has been regular since she was ten, and never hurt her, but now she is bent over her bed in tears. Her twin sister Jasmine, and younger sisters, Saffron (12) and Florence (9) all have their periods, but never had anything like this. She has been to a doctor, and it was no use. How can I help her?

Hey Stantanists!!! Why do you?

Personally, I don't think that theistic Satanists actually exist. I think they like to say they are because they enjoy making other people uncomfortable and appearing to be strange. I think it's an attention-getting strategy, that's all.

How does a Netbook connect to the internet?

I have only had a desktop, never even a laptop, so I am clueless as to how you get connected to the internet via a netbook. Do you pay a monthly fee like I do for internet use on my desktop? How does it work when I'm not home, like traveling in a car? I use the computer mostly for pleasure, not for business, and obviously I'm pretty computer illiterate. Any help would be appreciated.

I'm 14 years old, is this normal? (not a question)?

By far the weirdest question, are u that secluded that u would have to ask a question like this? common kid thnk about it, you would eat it of course.......

The *10 Points*?

Its pretty good really, i mean it sounds pretty smooth and makes sense. you name off those that are horoes in the play. Your thesis is a bit weak though.

Ques for anybody who knows about feng shui?

Don't worry about the accessibility of your bed. First determine what is your best direction, check your kua number, once you have this place your head pointing one of your best directions. It is the most important.

Why bikers and tough people wear confederate flags on their apparel and vehicles?

It is the Flag of the "REBELS" those who rebelled against the US government. For Bikers this is what it stands for. It means that they are rebels. It is as simple as that. ~M~

When a tomato plant with the fruit that are solid red when ripe is?

crossed with a variety whose fruits have green at athe top when ripe, all of the F1 generation produce friuts with green at the top. What are the genotypes of the parents?

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Is there a LEGIT website for auto parts?

I have a honda prelude 89. I was wondering if there's a LEGIT SITE that sales parts. looking for a nissa sentra 07 website too. The dealerships doesn't have the parts no more, dead stocked.

Do You Appreciate Fresh Voices in Fiction?

I do. I'm in the process of editing a novel I wrote and the story is something that's never really been done before. I think most people like new and interesting (even kooky) stories. If they didn't we'd be stuck with Vampires and Wizards forever! Don't worry. People will like your book.

How to get my dad to like my boyfriend?

It is a parent thing. Make sure he doesn't make you cry and come to dinner and be polite. Leave them alone together in the garage and that is where male bonding happens and stay out of the way.

What ski for is good for me?

i am 13 very powerful 35% park 25% piste 40% pow 150cm tall din at 7.5 normally ski 160cm twins haven't got my own skis but don't want entry level ski!!! good off piste, ledges i am good, find all pistes easy can do all sized jumps with just learned 360s can do 180 in air without jump can go forwards on boxes but haven't tried sideways yet but can do 50/50 on and 180 off good at skiing switch, can do most grabs can hit jumps switch, want a ski that will fit my needs and is light!!! Please help!!! I don't care what brand i need lots of choices think outside the box too!!!

The Jonas Brothers, Pantera, Fall Out Boy, Metallica, Or MCR? Which band rocks?

I am absolutely in love with the Jonas Brothers! I think their music is amazing. They write it all themselves, and it makes us fans melt every time we hear them sing. Plus, they are great guys and total sweethearts although they are THE most popular band on the face of the earth!!

Are the inactive ingredients in CVS Small Size Allergy Tablets dangerous?

I am NOT talking about the active ingredient (Diphenhydramine). Lets say you took the Diphenhydramine out out of the CVS Small Size Allergy Tablets so it had nothing but the inactive ingredients which include: Corn Starch, D&C Red 27, Dicalcium Phosphate, Magnesium Stearate, Microcrystalline Cellulose, Polyethylene Glycol, Polyvinyl Alcohol, Silicon Dioxide, Stearic Acid, Talc, Titanium Dioxide. So hypothetically if you were to take maybe 15 of those pills would the average 30 year old 140 lb adult have any life threatening conditions from these ingredients? Please I am not a druggy so please no answers about how drugs are bad.

Would this be something you would read or watch as a book or movie?

I rather enjoyed that, minus a few spelling and punctuation errors, that was pretty interesting. I'd read it.

E Mail Delivery Disrupted - non delivery of posts to group members since friday?

I would recommend trying again using the feedback form on the Yahoo Groups homepage in the lower left hand corner. After you send it and get an automated reply click on "Reply" and then write more information letting them know that you really need to talk to someone because the problem still hasn't cleared up.

Who else hates Hank from King of the Hill?

I think he is an ego maniac that loves america more than his famly. In his dreams he constantly says, "hello, my name is Hank Hill and the President and propane are my only gods. I am proud to sell parts of my god and it's minions. I have a shrine in my backyard." Anyone else remember when he gave his son's wishing trolls to the mold inspector and told him to get rid of them? WELL THATS WHY I HATE HIM!!! He hates other countries and hates his son's dreams!!! Poor Bobby was abused orally in one of the first episodes. Bobby wanted to be a chef and hank was thinking "What a dumb bobby is". I want to be a chef and my father is O.K. with that. Any good father would be just fine his 13 year old son wants to cook. I hope they make a new king of the hill where someone stood up to him and told him what he thinks is wrong. Then Hank gets arrested for 5 years for killing a man then his son comes to his cell and says, "You are no father of mine. You wouldn't be in here if you weren't such an ego lover. This is what your country America is, OPEN YOUR EYES!!!" Then i would be happy.

What is carbon footprint and how can i trace my own?

A carbon footprint is your impact on global warming. Its baisically tracing the amount of gas emissions you use. This includes lighting, computers (=S), gas, fires and appliances. Everything electrical, gas or fire related burns up fossil fuels which contribute to global warming (eg melting ice caps, droughts, floods, severe storms. )

"story about master mind" please correct me sentences and tell me grammatical problems?

There is too much to correct here in a way that you would learn from it. Hand it in to a teacher or tutor who can help you face to face.

How old were you on 9/11? What do you remember about it?

I was 9 years old and in 4th grade. I remember that it was a completely normal day, but then suddenly, all of the teachers started acting weird. They were whispering to each other and they all looked really worried, but they wouldn't tell us what happened. Tons of people in my cl started getting called down to the office for early dismissal, and we couldn't figure out why so many people's parents were coming to pick them up. The principal came on the intercom and told us that something had happened, but that she didn't want to talk about it, so she told us to talk to our parents about it when we got home. So I finally did get home and my parents were watching the news. That's when I saw the footage of the planes crashing into the World Trade Center. My mom explained to me what happened, and that was when I first learned about terrorists. I remember feeling angry that anyone could be so evil and kill so many innocent people. To this day, I am very thankful that nothing happened to my dad, because at that time, I lived only about 45 minutes away from where the Pentagon was. My dad had used to work at the Pentagon but he had transferred to a different place about a year before 9/11. If he had still worked there he might not be here is truly a blessing that he is still here with us. Since we lived near the Pentagon, a lot of kids that lived in my area lost their parents. :( It was so sad.

Good horror type movies?

so im having a b-day party next friday and its all girls. so we're gonna watch a lot of movies then go in my hot tub then sleepover. so we're gonna watch some chick flicks and horror movies. but here's the thing, my mom's like very christian so it can't be too explicit or graphic, or gory. nothing rated r, if its pg 13 it can't be too bad. and i can probably fine some romance movies, but if you have some really good suggestions for some then feel free to add these. but i definitly need some good horror movies. i want them to be very scary but stilll be mom appropriate. kuz after really scary we'll just follow up with a romance. so any ideas?

How to deal with bad teachers?

I’ve got a horrible biology teacher. Can you believe that when we ask her questions, she says we’re asking stupid questions and refuses to explain? I have never yet met a teacher who has not been absolutely delighted to answer questions from a student. Most teachers tell us that when we’re asking questions, at least they know we’re listening, that we’re bothering to work at all. A friend introduced the idea of writing to the school, either to the HoD or principal, but some other clmates voiced concerns that doing so might be seen as undermining her authority. Another friend from a different school had a similar problem just last year, and they wrote the letter to the teacher herself asking her to change her teaching techniques. The result was that the teacher promised to try to change, but in the end, nothing much happened. Our test is in two weeks and she has not opened the textbook once on the chapters we're being tested on. Should I wait and see if our results are bad enough?

Oh god someone help me!!!!?

Hi Im 19 i have very little social life right now mostly my only real genuine friend i think is a 60 year old! I know this person because i went to school with their step granddaughter and we stayed at his house one summer holiday together when we were 14. This person is not a creep in any way the sense that he's ever done or tried to do anything to me/us although i was wary when i first met him as he seemed kind of funny, weird and eccentric little 50 odd year old man who was skinny, about 5 ft 2 who smoked weed and had all the young kids round (boys and girls) we remained sociable friends even after his granddaughter went off the scene (as she seemed to change and become an awful person like her mother., even tried to break in and burgle her grandads house[my mate, the old guy]). So no-one talks to her now. Anyway Ive had one serious relationship in my life i had with a lad when we started dating in 2008 and ended in 2010 but was always on and off between 2009 and 2010. I got pregnant in december 2008 when we were living together in a rented room sortof thing and he started beating me up(nice i know!!). it was terrible, he would lock me in for hours and just literally do allsorts of things to torchure me except nothing ual he didn't go down that road thank god!! He'd promise to change and i took him back over and over for monthes as i was so scared about being pregnant and i really did love him in a way, i still havnt got over it at all. But when i found out how many weeks pregnant i was and that i would be definately a mammy i had to put my pregnancy, baby and sanity before my extremely distructive unsafe relationship and moved out. within days of breaking up i found out my ex had gone out with his best mate during the day to town, saw a basically homeless woman he'd met about once before all 3 of them went bowling then back to my exes and when his mate went my ex and this homeless 27 yr old woman had who had had her children taken away from her and lived in a hostel in town and was about 8 years older than my ex. that disgusted me when i found that out about 2 monthes later when i was around 6 monthes pregnant. especially after he'd pleaded to me that he loved me so much and told me to have this baby. anyway though we kindof got back together but i never ever forgot about everything he'd done and we never lived together again. But i was madly in love still and he was the father of my baby and with my unstable, unpositive family childhood and things i wanted it to be ideal, i wanted to make myself believe things could be almost perfect so much, for once. just liked id sortof dreamed (such a cliche) however i was seeing him behind social services back of course as they became involved for the violence when i pressed charges and had him convicted in court when i was pregnant too.... it just goes on forever this is merely the beginning of my story as to why i am here now. Now i feel very very depressed with my life and the way things are mostly because ive always wanted something better and just seem to have had no confidence at times and been very unlucky, i see my daughter whenever i want to (which is everyday) but for various reasons she lives around the corner from me with my grandparents due to social services and things. Because i feel so depressed and screwed up and terrible i know im not ready to have my daughter myself but i dont talk to anyone as no-body is really trustworthy i even think my eccentric 60 yr old stoner friend is a little selfish sometimes but maybe thats just age? I dont know I feel like if i ever did manage to turn my life around even my friend would talk about me to people and how i 'used' to be as he knows im very depressed but quickly turns the conversation to his problems with his kids, money, losing his wife etc. the only thing is ive heard all them stories tonssssss of times before i know HIS life almost as well as he does, he'll think he knows mine but really i keep alot back from everyone for many reasons. mostly because im just ashamed of things and how they've gone and how i handled certain things wrong or wasnt confident enough. I just want to be in a happy period in my life for once instead of stuck here in this rut where i usually feel suicidal and i probably would do it if i didnt have a baby. I dont talk to anyone because i dont have anyone. and if people arent very good friends how to i cleverly go about getting unwanted people out my life without causing anyone ( especially me!) damage??? or how do i be honest with people without them being hurt, falling out with me or shout at me for it? sorry its so long anyone who reads it, has anybody got any advice at all for me though please? thank you i would be very grateful.

What is a good collection of American short stories?

I want to give my aunt a book on American short stories. She is an English teacher in Germany. I am looking for a book that has American short stories. I really want it to have the Scarlet Ibis by James Hurst. It's okay if it's not in there, I not sure if the story is still that popular. Please give me the title of a good collection of American short stories.

Do you think Roland Burris should be allowed to be sworn into the Senate?

Honestly the guy looks really sincerely excited about the deal and has been in politics for a long time. That said with all the other stuff going on I hope he doesn't end up being one of the callers. Although they have stated he gave $15,000 to Blaj's campaign, which doesn't really mean a thing. Communist, naw just kidding.

Do you like Ke$ha? Why or why not?

She's a drunk version of taylor swift. And yes I will call her a drunk because in the majority of songs she talks about getting wasted. And she can't sing because they fix her voice. Ever hear her live? ahaha

Is it true in order for a person to have sensory issues they would need to have the following Aspergers Cont?

Is it true in order for a person to have sensory issues they would need to have the following Aspergers syndrome, Autism, Rett's disorder or syndrome or other PDD?

Can you lose weight just be not sleeping as much?

When you sleep your heart rate and breathing slow down so you don't use as much energy. presumably if you were to spend more time awake this would increase your energy consumption and therefore help you to lose weight. is my logic flawed?


want to watch the movie "THE PRESTIGE" featuring christian bale and hugh jackman in HINDI.i wanted to buy the original DVD from the market but it was available how do i wtch this movie in hindi.i guess the torrents can help but the language may still remain an issue as i want to watch it only in hindi.some help here????

Are there any MARTIANS at the airport this week in Johannesburg International?

Lol me thinks it's all quiet on the home front but I think they are just waiting for you to arrive so that they can take some pot shots at's a good thing you'll carry you're own AK47!!!

Are all Veterans going to vote for McCain?

Why would they? He's a warmonger -- he is proattack instead of diplomacy -- this has been the case in Iraq, Iran, Syria, N Korea -- just to name a few in the last few years. He also votes against GI Bills, votes against torture bans, votes against veteran benefits. Give me one reason why they should vote for him.

Why am I expected to reach up...?

I don't know, maybe people are selfish. Or, maybe it's because you are the only one who can reach high up, whereas they can't, and you can also reach stuff that they can, so you don't need their help to get it

Plz hlp...where can i get the clique series books?

well i love the Clique movie and i want to know where i can get the books WITH OUT ORDERING THEM. can anyone tell me where i can get the book series? plz hlp thnx

Would you take Santino's spot?

Let's say your a pro-wrestler working the Indy Circuit or have a mid-card position in TNA with a gimmick your pretty happy with and Santino Mirella was no longer able to work. You get a call from WWE wanting you to take his spot. Same character or similar and storyline. Would you take it?

Anyone ever seen a flea circus ...... ?

A crossword puzzle clue today ( performing insect ... answer 'flea' ) reminded me of a flea circus that I saw in the sixties. I think it was at Dreamland in Margate, Kent and I remember these fleas walking 'tightropes' and pulling little carts. Not the height of excitement agreed but we were a lot less demanding forty years ago! Has anyone ever seen such a sideshow ( as they were then called ), when and where was it and do these things exist today?

Why do we pretend that we don't check each other out at the urinals?

So, you're at the urinal and the guy next to you quickly looks down at your junk then looks away. Ok, it happens all the time so why do we pretend that we weren't looking? I'm not saying you should stare and be up front about it, just think it's funny you don't think I saw it. Have you guys ever noticed when you walk into the restroom, a guy at the urinal will turn his body away so you can only see his back? It's like he expects someone will try to look at it? I get a laugh at that. I can't say I check dudes out at the urinal but I'm sure I did it out of curiousity and forgot I did it. What about you guys? Be honest. It's not about being gay. I think most guys have done it once or twice, straight or gay. Lets be real here.

Should Bush Pardon Larry Craig?

You know that Bush screwed a lot of people. And Larry Craig he scr... well you know what he did. Should Bush quit "stalling" around, and pardon the man, er.. person.

What Do I Need To Buy A Scarlet Macaw?

you do not have the experience....i large macaw is waaaay different then a budgie or a pigeon! and scarlets need CONSTANT training or the will easily become mean...they are one of the hardest to train macaws...the bird alone will be $1500-$2000, and a cage for that size bird will be $1000...they need MILLIONS of stimulating toys which cost anywhere from $10-$50 a piece and they will destroy at least 1 a day...and you can almost never travel with a bird...they are usually illegal to cross countries with. you need to look into a much smaller bird before you can even consider a macaw...a senegal or conure...something similar to a macaw...but much easier and more your level.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Packers fans, do you guys expect to win against the falcons ?

didn't we learn anything from Seattle beating New Orleans. On any giving Sunday any team can win. But I like the Packs chance in this one.

Comparing Computers?

shared memory isnt a good think and teh video card sucks. the hard drive sucks as it should be atleast 7200 rpm. so its not much on preformance for that price. you can build a faster and better computer cheaper and build it yourself than to buy that crap.

Do you think 11 year old boys should have girlfriends?

Ok! My friend at school has been ignoring me and everyone else! He id literally in a relationship with a 10 year old!!! You can totally tell that they are in a relationship because he keeps on giving her these rings. Plus the girl acts like the boy and the boy acts like the girl because he does everything the girl is supposed to do! They have even kissed FOUR TIMES AND COUNTING ONCE ON THE CHEEK AND THREE TIME ON THE LIPS!!! I am eleven myself and I do have a little crush on a girl in my cl but she doesn't even know I have a crush on her. Would you let an eleven year old have a girlfriend!!! What do you think of them being together?????? He even quit the softball team because of her!!! Even worse I have to sit next to him and his girlfriend is in front of me so he keeps on smiling at her and they keep on giving each other some thing because they each put their hands under the table!!!! At recess they also hold each others hand!!!!

Some fun things to do in Cozumel?

There is something like a national park with good snorkeling, and a nice little trail, and lots of iguanas. I don't remember the name. There was a place to swim with dolphins right next door also. It's been a while.

How does a crock pot work?

Can someone explain how a crock pot works? The unit's are so light, so are there heating elements between the inner and outer shells, or does it work some other way?

An event in American history that illustrates or serves as an example of the United States pursuit of manifest

i really need an event in American history that illustrates or serves as an example of the United States pursuit of manifest between 1846 – 1860. PLZ PLZ HLP......

Styles of clothes to suit me?

I'm 23, am 158cm tall, weigh 57 kgs, i have a rather big bust and hips and no waist, what styles would look elegant and yeat casual enough to be worn on an everyday basis? Can anyone please recommend any websites etc where i can check out some styles of clothes?

Julie (Sound of Music) Andrews to make a come-back. Isn't the Scrappage Scheme to get rid of Old Boilers?

Now why would you think that she is an 'old boiler' as you delicately put it? Is it because you can understand every word she sings - like all of the golden oldies, doesn't rage against society or swear and use indecent language.And the main thing is she can sing live, not like the majority of groups today who have to have all the equipment to make them sound good - if you can call it that. She will be long remembered after the modern bands who will fade from history.

How to go fromize 6 to 2 or 0 by the end of summer?

only thing that will work is diet, not anorexia, and exercise. and it takes time, as in months to lose a significant amount of weight. and after you lose it, continued diet and exercise to maintain the weight you want. pick out an exercise regimen that works for you and your schedule, and a diet that you can actually do. then stick to both. the weight will come off naturally without any bad side effects.

I really Hate all these....?

Pop stars,Movie stars,Journalist,Reporters jumping on the sympathy wagon to boost their profile,they vilified him,kept their distant when he was alive and now with their crocodile tears they are devastated they make me sick with rage and anger,i just can't listen to all this crap coming out of the media,i'm really really upset by all this.,

Do I have the right to be upset at my girlfriend?

I'm gonna be really honest in my answer and hope it sinks in a little. Sadly, when my husband and I first got married, even though I didn't yell, I caught myself belittling him so often and I never meant to. Heck, I didn't even realize I was doing it until my mom pointed it out one day. I started paying attention to my attitude and what set me off and it was like a light bulb went off. My husband, whom I love so very much, always tried to please me, do what I wanted, change the things I didn't like, etc. (which I was in the wrong 100%) but I realized that THAT wasn't what I wanted. I wanted a PARTNER in every sense. I wanted someone to stand up to me, take charge, etc. You sound so much like what my husband did and maybe (God, I hope) I wasn't as bad as she is but you have GOT to make a stand. Yes, we bring a lot of anger from our families onto our spouses/bf's/gf's but that doesn't mean we are right to do it. All of what you say is probably right but honey, YOU need to stand up for yourself. Stop taking it but make sure she knows you love her. Once her true MAN comes out, she'll see. You don't have to prove anything to anyone and sometimes it's hard for others to accept that. If she can't, love or not, move on before it's too late and you have no self-worth left at all. Good luck and smile. (just now saw the last bit you added and boy, sadly, I got u figured out ) I hate that show because her husband WON'T STAND UP FOR HIMSELF!!!! We can be bitches and when a woman feels like she always has to take charge (even when we don't really) it makes her bitter, angry and just an outright *****. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!! TAKE CHARGE AND TAKE BACK YOUR CONFIDENCE!!