Wednesday, August 17, 2011

What was wrong with my guy? Should i still talk to him?

So ive hung out wit him like 4x now in 5 months idk he kinda stays far but not really. We talk welll tex evry single day allday mostly. Well last night i went to his house and we messed around and had and then we both fell asleep well i woke up cuz i was cold and so i woke him up and he got up n started freaking out saying he had a headache and his fingers were numb he was slapping his hand n hitting it on the bed and was shaking his hand all crazy then walking around his house back and fourth shaking it and i was asking r u ok r u ok? And he was ignoring me. So i got dressed and im like um ur scaring me. He had like a wet rag on his fingers and was like hitting his hand And i was standing by his front door watching him like ummmm wtf do i do . So i grabbed my purse n put my shoes on and hes like u ready to go n i said yea so he opened his front door and said bye n i was like um yea byee and hes like call me wen u make it home. Well i never callled .Shud i still talk to him or no ? Wtf was wrong wit that kids hand ? I feel so aqward n embarred! Do you think hes embard ? Lol

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