Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Do you believe in miracles and super-natural happenings? If so, why?

I don't believe in miracles or super-natural happenings. I believe that if there is a God then He created the laws of physics and that these laws are never violated. I know of no evidence so suggest that the laws of physics are ever violated. Therefore "miracles" can't happen. I believe that everything can be explained but that we don't always know what that explanation is. And some "miracles" are just things that are possible but unlikely. Some "miracles" are coincidences. If a single baby survives a plane crash then religious folk will cry "miracle" and claim that it is an act of God. But what about all of the people who died? Is this also an act of God? I suppose, conveniently, that this is the work of Satan whoever he is. Why do people believe in miracles? Virgin births? Raising from the dead? Water into wine? Ascending into heaven? According to God's laws of physics these things cannot happen. What do you think?

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