Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Does everyone have this experience in yoga?

I got talked into trying yoga for the first time the other day. I have a very intense personality and it was suggested that it would help me focus my energy better so I finally tried it. I wasn't expecting what happened at the end though. Laying there after exhausting my body my thoughts we slow, slow enough I realized I could concentrate and focus on them. As I laid there I thought about the signals I was receiving from my body, thoughts about work and school and the future and my ex, and thoughts about how I could focus on my thoughts. What happened next I can only described as profound. Suddenly a gentle gong sounded and gently pulled my consciousness out of this "place" and I realized that I had gone somewhere else. A second gong pulled me a little further and I began to realize I was back in the universe. The third and last one pulled me the rest of the way back and I realized I had a body and was in a building and there was a floor beneath me and air in my lungs and an entire world around me. After coming back I realized I had gone somewhere where existence did not exist. There was nothing but my consciousness. It wasn't like an out of body experience, because in that you are still in the universe. Where I was there was no universe, no matter, no light or dark, nothing but my awareness of myself. Thinking about it when I came back took my breath away, and I don't say that to be corny, when I thought about it I could barely catch my breath. And I felt at peace, and relaxed, and genuinely happy. Nothing like I've ever felt before. Later that night, laying in bed trying to sleep, I thought about that place and for and instantaneous moment I went back there and could feel it. Then I was back in bed. As I said, the only way I describe it closely is profound. Does this normally happen? Will it happen next time? Am I the only one with this experience? It is confusing because I'm not even the type of guy that would even do yoga. But it has seemed to change me.

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