Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Do I have the right to be upset at my girlfriend?

I'm gonna be really honest in my answer and hope it sinks in a little. Sadly, when my husband and I first got married, even though I didn't yell, I caught myself belittling him so often and I never meant to. Heck, I didn't even realize I was doing it until my mom pointed it out one day. I started paying attention to my attitude and what set me off and it was like a light bulb went off. My husband, whom I love so very much, always tried to please me, do what I wanted, change the things I didn't like, etc. (which I was in the wrong 100%) but I realized that THAT wasn't what I wanted. I wanted a PARTNER in every sense. I wanted someone to stand up to me, take charge, etc. You sound so much like what my husband did and maybe (God, I hope) I wasn't as bad as she is but you have GOT to make a stand. Yes, we bring a lot of anger from our families onto our spouses/bf's/gf's but that doesn't mean we are right to do it. All of what you say is probably right but honey, YOU need to stand up for yourself. Stop taking it but make sure she knows you love her. Once her true MAN comes out, she'll see. You don't have to prove anything to anyone and sometimes it's hard for others to accept that. If she can't, love or not, move on before it's too late and you have no self-worth left at all. Good luck and smile. (just now saw the last bit you added and boy, sadly, I got u figured out ) I hate that show because her husband WON'T STAND UP FOR HIMSELF!!!! We can be bitches and when a woman feels like she always has to take charge (even when we don't really) it makes her bitter, angry and just an outright *****. STAND UP FOR YOURSELF!! TAKE CHARGE AND TAKE BACK YOUR CONFIDENCE!!

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