Sunday, August 14, 2011

Abortion because husband is ?

My husband and i have been trying to get pregnant for almost 2 years. Over that time, I have felt that he was becoming less and less interested in the . He used to initiate often, but now he never seems into it and sometimes just rolls over when I kiss him. I just thought he was discouraged since it was taking so long to conceive and I finally found out I was pregnant last month, so I figured everything would go back to normal. It didn't however, so I became worried. I decided to take a half-day on Friday and surprise him with a weekend getaway (he works from home sometimes as a copyeditor), but when I got home there was a strange car in the driveway. I entered the house quietly and spied him having with another man without him seeing me. We are good Christians and I could not believe my eyes. I ran out of the house and cried to my sister on the phone for 2 hours without explaining the situation to her, then I went home and tried to pretend everything was normal. I don't know what to do. I am against abortion, but I feel I must get one to prevent my child from being raised in sin by a ual. Even if I confront my husband and leave him, the child will still have the taint of ity on his soul and I will not be able to hide his past from him when he gets older. Will God understand if I get an abortion in this cirstance? I don't want to go to Hell, but I want to prevent any child from growing up as a product of this filthy lifestyle.

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