Monday, August 15, 2011

FTWF[Family Ties Wrestling Federation] TGIF Impact. Is it good?

Sorry, TGIF Impact was delayed cuz of other programming, but we r live here 2nite. "Ladies and gentlemen your 1st contest of FTWF TGIF Impact is a tag team match scheduled 4 one fall. Introducing 1st, from Brooklyn, New York, Theo The Punisher Huxtable. And his tag team partner from Bayside, Califronia, The One Zach Morris. And their opponents, 1st from Bayside, Califronia, A.C. The Body Slater. And his partner, he is the FTWF Undisputed united Jocks Champion, Martin U So Crazy Payne!!" Theo and Slater begin the match w/a lockup. Headlock Theo and Slater bounces him off the ropes. Theo ducks an elbow and comes back at Slater w/a flying 4 arm. Theo then catches Slater w/a headlock takedown. Slater fights back up and bounces Theo off the ropes. Leapfrog Slater and Martin Pulls down the top rope. Theo tumbles 2 the outside as Zach and Slater start 2 jaw at each other. Martin hammers away on Thoe b-4 throwing him back in the ring. Slater tags him in and Theo hits a quick armdrag. BRB

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