Monday, August 8, 2011

A question to Creationists regarding 'kinds'?

Ken Ham doesn't have the answer. Its a good theory but that's all it is. He wasn't there so he doesn't know. Its just another case of some Christian apologetics spokesperson trying to weaken the Biblical faith by paring down the facts to a more narrow, more readily acceptable cubby hole of "believability" because, perhaps, he believes its not possible to repopulate the earth with just the contents of the Ark cuz its confines were what? Too limited to contain enough animals? This floating zoo...two of every kind? Well, the question remains...were they full grown animals? Some of what he has said might be true in brief about species and how one elephant migrated and evolved in Asia while another migrated and adapted in Africa. The birds of flight could roost outside or come in and out through the ventalation as they needed. The others, don't take up much room and could nest just about anywhere, rodents and small reptiles likewise. Cats..of the "big cats", deer/horse kinds like the giraffe and donkey...well, how many different kinds of Giraffes does one need? In truth...if you were to stand along side the Ark built to couldn't see from one end to the other of it..and it wasn't shaped like a was like a huge wooden enclose barge that was probably submirged when finally away three 4ths of the way up. Why? Because of its design and the materials that it was made would be kept cool without being too cold and the upper decks of the craft would be just outside of the wind tunnel effects that would occur from the vents accross the top. Water tight and ventalation, perfect design for a sea fairing craft, materials and technique, size and allocation all perfectly proportionate..and yet, there is somehow an issue with how the different species of animals came about? As well, it would be good to know that a great many of the animals that we have today were and are able to survive in a diluge. They swim. That leaves alot of room. You have to took Noah and his sons and the wives of each a hundred years to build this thing..."tebah" the hebrew word which means box. As in the "tebah" of the covenant..and also Moses was set afloat in a "tebah"..not the basket that people are used to reading about. All of these translate to BOX. Now how is this for perspective...if the average land dwelling animal were the size of a sheep the Ark's capacity would have been able to manage, with room to spare about 125,000 of them. There are less than 18,000 species of mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians living in the world today.We might double this to allow for extinct species. This would gives us 36,000 species times 2, or 72,000 animals. Adding for the clean animals, we might say there were as many as 75,000 animals. Earlier we said there was room enough in the Ark for 125,000 sheep, but most animals are smaller than a common house cat. There appears to be plenty of space for the preservation of the animal life. However, some creationists believe there may have been far fewer animals if Noah only took on board pairs of "kinds" as the word is used in Genesis 1. God created these "kinds" with potential for rich genetic diversity. For instance, at the time of Christ there existed only two types of dogs. All the diversity we see in the modern breeds of dogs came from these two! Well, how did they migrate. Okay...the earth at one point, as scientifically proven was one huge super continant..when the flood, it is possible to see that a world cataclysmic even of this nature could have altered the geology to such a degree so that indeed there were many earthquakes, volcanos, weather patterns and etc that each in turn contribute to the drift of the continental plates..sliding them apart in the gravitational pull of the earth. Even after the waters receded, there wouldhave been seas and great lakes...maybe an entire ocean that separated..but there were also lang bridges..this is even true up until the late 10th century and has been doented by the Inupiat Indians whose ancestors traveled accross the "Bering Straits" which is now the Bering Sea. It is my belief that the more purpose an animal serves to other animals the more unique it is..and that is why there are such strange creatures that other animals depend on...many of which live on a continent so separate from the rest of us and unable to have a migratory process without flight or affectation of climate...Austrailia has some of the most unique species on the planet and more of them and many of them deadly. I wonder why that is and yet, it is believed because of Austrailia's native Aboriginal population and thier artifacts matching up so nicely with many that have ben found also in South America and sub Saharan Africa that all of these Continants used to be snugged up together separated only by rivers or possible one land m. But who knows? Who can know fer sure? No buddy. No scientist or scientific method of phylogynetics. No theory can be presented that cannot be argued by another presented theory. I believe the Biblical account of Noah's Ark because of was my one basis for not believing the Bible to be true and so I've studied of it until I'm sick to death and the truth one has been able to successfully refute the truth of it. Nautical engineers have supported its deminsions especially for a vessel that doesn't require launching. Taxonomers as you call them have done the math as I have given you above to say that it is indeed possible to repopulate the earth with a supply of living animals rich in genetic structure both unique and shared just as anthropologist and archeologists have proven time and again that Mesopotamia is the cradle of civilization and that the world as it is right now could have been repopulated by a mere 8 people...also genetically rich so that all the decending and migrating people could be tered to the four corners of the earth to become an Inupiat Alaskan or a Aborigine or a Polynesian Islander to a Pacific Islander. The "cat kind" had plenty o time to change and adapt...if that particular species needed to..but in did not. Several "cat" varieties could have been aboard that craft and its more likely that a few of them have since become extinct as they were bread into the modern domestic house cat then the other idea. Remember..a tiger is a tiger no matter what part of the world its in. So is a lion, a cougar, a lynx, etc. Love in Christ, ~J~

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